We give Old Man Winter. We give! That’s exactly what I thought this morning when...
We give Old Man Winter. We give! That’s exactly what I thought this morning when I heard Gary’s sigh as he looked out the window. Another foot plus pilled up over night. A wave of defeat washes over us today. Really I shouldn’t let a foot and a half of snow get in my way. Instead, we bundled up and went out and put our faces in it. Took it in. Literally…
Finally, we got a decent amount of snow last night. I think we are totaling 4 inches this morning. Yahoo! Bring it on. I’m ready for the glittery white stuff to frolic and play in. Alta is opening this Friday, unfortunately the Marcoccia family wont be making an appearance, as we have some important people to see in New York. That’s right we are packing up as I speak and driving across the Mississippi. It’s going to be an adventure, baby, dogs, and all. Stay tuned…
Here’s some pics of our little winter wonderland.