Celebrating a New Year

We had a good time last night ringing in the New Year. I decided to bring in the new year with some change yep, I let Linda and Sarah go to town on a new hair do. We saved my braid and I’m planning on sending it off to Locks of Love. Ellie brought in the new year by showing us she can rollover without any assistance. Gary was playing with her on the bed and she rolled for him three times and then one more time for mommy. Needless to say we were very excited for her.
So long to 2007 it was an excellent year with the birth of Ellie, visits from family, reunions with friends, and many accomplishments. We are looking forward to what ’08 is going to bring. I’m sure Ellie will enlighten us many times over through out the year. My goals for this year are to loose the rest of the baby weight, visit the Frandsen’s, and unleash some creativity. There are many other things I would like to work on but I don’t want to make the list too long and overwhelming. Ellie’s goals are to take her first steps and say her first word. We have full confidence she will get it done. Gary has to think more about his…

Your hair looks great…reminds me of days of past 🙂 I love short hair with kids. Ellie is so adorable…it will be fun to see what Merced starts to look like at that age when they really fill out. The skating pond looks incredible! That is right in front of their house??? After being there does it make you want to move soon?
Wow! you did it. You have the mommy do. I swore I wouldn’t cut my hair short after having kids (mostly because I didn’t want to do the same thing as everyone else) but I did it and never went back. You will love it because you can spend more time on other things. Plus it still looks like a wash and go style. Way to go!!!! It really looks like you are having a great time out there. I’m so glad. We have decided next year we are going traveling for Christmas, it is too hard to be here alone. It will be our last one in Germany (maybe) and we are thinking of Spain?! Anyway, this week we are excited to say we have a 9 year old in the house. Can’t believe it but it is true!