It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…

There are many things to write about we have been busy bee’s around here getting ready for the Holidays. It’s been so fun. First off we got the TREE decorated. I say TREE because it is the biggest tree in the Marcoccia family yet, measuring in at 16 feet tall. Both Gary’s hauled it in through the sliding doors. It took one night to put the lights on and another night to decorate. Linda even dug out the old Christmas vinyl and Silvertone portable record player. We listened to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer medley and we had to sneak in a childhood favorite Chipmunk Punk.
Yesterday Linda, Danielle, Ellie, and I shopped till we dropped. We took a drive up to Geneva, NY where there is a great Outlet shopping center. We hit all the good stores and I finally completed my Christmas shopping whew. Ellie was a trooper she was bundled up well and quietly took it all in. Grandma Marcoccia even let her pick out her own toys at the Carter’s store. I hate to let Grandpa McKenney know but I think Ellie a natural born shopper.
Today we woke up to the beginning of a Nor’easter snow storm. We had an early morning greeting cousin Kevin as his school was canceled due to a snow day. So we put together a Gingerbread House and then when everyone got home we went out and played in the snow. We bundled Ellen up in her snow suit and let her experience snowflakes on her face, snow angels, and a sleigh ride. All the good things a winter snow storm brings.

Sounds like you are having a great time! I have been listening to the weather reports and have been concerned about you. I hope you are not getting to much of the dangerous storms. It’s been really cold here. Christmas is coming too fast. I’m sure I will be pulling an all night crochet party on Christmas Eve, just like every other year!
Give that baby a hug and kiss from me and stay safe!
Love you,
That is one TREE! How great! I love that you are doing all those fun traditional things, including the shopping. One year you’ll have to promise to do it with me. You should see our tree, in fact, I’ll take a picture of it soon. German trees are very different in that they are in the line of trees similar to the Charlie Brown type tree. Very uneven, sparse but oh so appealing to your heart because you feel so sorry for them. Our tree this year is very unique because it has two trunks . . . we’ll send a photo soon. Right now we are all trying to battle the flu!
That tree is amazing! I am so, so jealous of all of the snow you have there. We’ve been getting hardly anything…and I have new skiis to try out this year. I finally got all of the Christmas shopping done, also. Good feeling, huh? So, glad you are doing so well!
That tree is huge! Looks like you are having a great time. How long do you get to stay in New York? Love your posts keep them coming. Hey I thought you might find this interesting check it out http://parrishfamilyspot.blogspot.com/