Still Here

I have fallen into the facebook trap and have let the blog slip a little. Getting a little bit lazy I guess and not taking enough pictures. Here is a list of things I have let slip by
Gary turned 40
Ellie went to a “Princess Festival” with Grandma McKenney
Mother’s Day. We went camping. It was a busy weekend and we were shut out of our original Goblin Valley destination and had to camp down the road with all the motorheads. We moved on the next day and found the last spot available at the Juniper site above slick rock in Moab. It was windy the second night. Owen couldn’t stand it so he and I got to snuggle in the truck all night long.
Ellie finished her first year of preschool *sigh*
Owen has mastered stairs and is learning to do a jig
I’m learning the guitar
this was built down the road from us.
a closer look… Oh My!
Ellie has gotten very good on her Skuut bike and is even starting to pedal on her own
and now I vow to do better at spending my online time blogging and less at facebook and putting up more pictures like this
and videos like this

Thanks , I needed to see that you are still a blogger!
I love it all!:)))))
Glad to see you are still keeping us in the loop! 😀
Don’t worry little sister, you weren’t the only one that fell into Facebook and now regrets it a little. I’m glad you are back and it cracks me up that Ellie is in skirts every minute of the day. Both my girls went through that at her age. Love that!