Well Hello Neighbor

Just about a year ago we met our neighbors the Cacace’s. Upon meeting them we found that we had so much in common. Kim was in her first trimester of pregnancy as well. We were so excited for each other and so, a friendship developed and the neighborhood stroll began. We started out strolling about with our big bellies and dogs in tow. Kim has two dogs as well Moki and Montana. Montana and Adah have become bosom buddies as well. They get so excited to see each other and romp around.
Over the summer we would meet up on walks and compare bellies, aches, pains, cravings, feelings, and doctor visits. In the fall once the “wee ones” were here we would meet up for the ultimate stroll, pushing our babes on a three mile loop over the hills and through the rocks and mud. I’m sure it was a bit comical if someone came across us. Just picture two ladies yakking away with two strollers holding two babies either sleeping, crying, or getting jostled about, four dogs being corralled and yelled at every 5 to 10 minutes (mostly Adah), all while attempting to keep Timberlakes roads safe by telling yelling at every big truck or speeding neighbor to SLOW DOWN! Yep, that’s us the crazy mommas with the crazy dogs patrolling the roads. Once the snow started pilling up our walks were sidelined a bit but now that the sun is making a come back and all that snow is starting to melt we can’t be faded. So look out all you cabin building contractors and speedy neighbors the mommas and crazy dogs are on the lose again. The mud isn’t going to keep us down Kim has a back pack and I have my trusty jogger stroller and with some momma strength and determination we will power through the thickest snow and mud.
I feel very lucky to have found a friend to share this chapter of life with. We have definitely bonded and it is so great to have some friends that are in step with me and Ellie. So thank you Kim for the listening ear, encouragement, and support. The sun is shinning it’s going to be a beautiful day and I’m looking forward to our walk this afternoon.

There is nothing like a good neighbor/friend at this time of raising kids. I know I was blessed with a few in the old neighborhood. And the exersice both body and mind is a welcome gift. They are both so darn cute those cheeks are to die for. Give them both a grandma kiss!!
And those shades are rockin!!
Definitely rockin shades!!
How fun to go walking together and it’s just so great to get outside, isn’t it? I’m really wanting spring to come.
Call next time your up and hopefully we can take our babes a walkin, too!
So glad you have a close friend there. It is rare that you can find one that you click with, that the kids click with and you even need the dogs to click too. If even just one of those isn’t working it just cannot be as deep.
I laughed picturing you yelling at fast drivers. You are awesome!
The pictures were all so cute!
Hey there Danette ~
We love you and Ellie too!! I am VERY happy that I have made a great friend up here, I think Montana crushes on Adah as much as Dylan crushes on Ellie! ; )
I look forward to our walks.. oh yeah here is what Dylan wants to say….
h jhu j ahtfgwcokoa
gbi 2zf.mcn fnf vj
he types like his father..
Have a great day!
Kim, Dylan, Mockie & Montana
I also would like to thank Danette, you and Ellie have made my daughter and appearently my grandson, Dylan very happy. I tell her that good friends are hard to come by and you are definitely a good friend to my daughter. Kimberly is really going to miss you when you move, but I personally would like to thank you for making her day’s pass with more sun in her life. God bless you and Ellie.