Wonderful Reunion

Last Saturday Gary and I met up with my friends Sara, Brigitte, and Max from College and beyond. We went to Beaver Mountain to ski. This mountain is where my ski roots began from adventures in middle school and high school with friends to a ski class with Sara for 1 college credit. It is still what I remember a rootsy little resort that serves the community well. I was reminded what a special place it is and how lucky I am to have grown up with it. It was so great to ski at a small little hamlet with no crowds and great stashes of snow everywhere. Although Alta is very near and dear to my heart rediscovering the Beav was very refreshing.
I’m so glad I got to spend the day with my friends and catch up. After every run I was excited to get back on the ski lift with the girls and talk more. After the ski day we all got together for pizza with all the kids and husbands. Sara and Brigitte have such cute kids and it was so fun to meet them and see how much they look like their parents. Ellie was bright eyed all night watching them play. I loved it. Thank you Sara, Jeff, Brigitte, and Max for making my weekend so great. Lets do it again soon!!!!
Check out Sara’s blog for her take on the day and a great picture.
Here are some more pictures complements of Brigitte. Thanks Bridgy!

Sara is talking you up on her blog I see. I figured with all your years of skiing you were going to blow everyone away 🙂 I would love to see you in action! Sounds like everyone had so much fun.
Oh the days at Beaver Mountain. Do you know if it is still family owned? I haven’t been back since 1998, that seems like forever ago. I am glad you had such a great time. We really do need to have a big reunion next time Charie comes to visit.
Rox and Charie we missed you guys that day! We were thinking of you both. I’m pretty sure the Seeholzer’s still own Beaver I saw alot of familiar faces still running the lifts. We should get together next time Charie is out this way.
Nice, ya got a picture of me while picking my bum. I only did it once at Beaver and you caught on film. Hmpf. 😉
I had a really great time. Thanks guys!