Back in the Saddle again

It’s been a while since my last update. We took a little trip back to NY to visit with our family and do some house hunting. The family visiting was marvelous. Ellie entertained everyone and showed off her new skills. Gary got to celebrate his birthday three times this year once with Ellie and I out to dinner, once with my parents, and once with his family. He is a well loved individual. We got to visit with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins at Jessica’s wedding. What a beautiful wedding it was! The setting was perfect at a winery up on the hill overlooking a classic New York Finger Lakes landscape. We had so much fun watching the kiddos dance their hearts out and the ladies in the family as well. We also got to enjoy another trip to the Ithaca Farmers Market. Ellie got a fab T-Shirt from the Sundancer Designs Clothing Co. We also picked up some purple asparagus and a gorgeous white bleeding heart for Linda. So fun..
As for the house hunting we did good. We familiarized ourselves with the Ithaca area much better. We managed to narrow down our choices and pretty much came to the conclusion that we are in love with the village of Trumansburg. It is practically Mayberry reincarnate. We also learned that NY’s taxes are unbelievably high and painful. (We knew this, but just didn’t digest it until now) Yikes! We have decided to attempt a contingency offer on a cute little turn of the century farm house just out of the Trumansburg village. It sits on nearly 6 acres mostly wooded with trails and has a lovely distant view of the lake. It is a small house with a few imperfections but oh so cozy and warm and inviting and the property is so wonderful. So wish us luck. We still haven’t gotten any bites on our Timberlakes home for sale here in Utah but we are being patient and just keep trying to put good thoughts out there into the cosmic soup.
Ellie did good on the airplane. She got a bit fussy at times and tired of being held and the tight spaces but no major tantrums. On the way back we experienced the dreaded diaper blow out so we now join the ranks with Kim and Charie and the mile high diaper duty. I had to throw away the onsie and all! Nasty. She actually had quiet a few adventures, 6 plus full days of car rides and car seat confinement, 4 airplane rides, a two hour time change, a bonk on the forehead from a toy, and the porch swing breaking under her and Grandma Marcoccia. Well done Ellie your a trooper.

Looks like a fun trip! I’m glad you had a good time. It’s always an adventure traveling with a baby!!!
The house looks great. I wish you tons of luck on selling and buying! I am definitely going to have to work in a trip out to see you after you move and get settled in. It would be so fun!!!
That house is adorable! Are there pictures of the inside?
Maybe when the snow melts up there you will have better luck selling your home.
What a beautiful place you have found. Every home has 1 or 2 (or 100) imperfections, but it’s still home! Good luck!
I HAVE MISSED YOU 🙂 Glad you are back safe and sound! What an incredible piece of property and home! I would also love to see more pictures if it ends up working out for you all. I imagine Gary is already dreaming of planting and eating his own home grown food!
Sorry to hear about the baby blow out. I SOOO feel your pain. Today I was up on the stand at church singing with the young women and Merced spit up REALLY bad all over the front of me and all over herself. Of course I was not prepared and had absolutely nothing. I got a lot of comments after it was over about it. Too fun! It was perfect for mothers day because poop and throw up is what being a mother is all about 🙂
ps. Happy late Birthday Gary! Your the best!
You should start a real estate blog for hippies looking for property in up state New York. You certainly post enough pictures of houses there!