Driving us to Drink
Yep the weather has got us down. There is more snow on the way, but we are finding...
Yep the weather has got us down. There is more snow on the way, but we are finding ways to get through it. Not by getting the Wee one sauced up on Spaten though. Just thought it was a funny picture. She was actually trying to copy her Dad and his bottle “tooting” skills.
Anyway there are no signs of Spring up here in Timbucktoo… yet… We are managing thanks to good neighbors with plow trucks and a road crew with lots of sand. The wee one and I have ventured out for some shopping and library visits.
I set up an Art Station to help bust up the Wee Ones boredom. This morning we painted with water. We also invested in a new box of Twistable Crayons. A great solution to our crayon eating problem. We also love to play with sticky notes and tape. Yes the bottle goes everywhere with us she is addicted and I’ve found it’s not the contents because I’ve watered everything down and it doesn’t phase her at all. So any suggestions on how to overcome bottle security issues?
We also have a new member of the Marcoccia household. Meet Dorothy the fish. Gary picked her up while we were in Germany. Do you think he was lonely? Poor guy. She seems to be happy here with lots of light and plenty of things in her water to play with like plant dirt, feathers, pretty much what ever is on the floor. Hopefully she can survive Ellie’s little fish experiments and live a long happy fishy life.
One last thing. I found a new Soup Recipe. I’m not really a soup person but this one is yummy. I think it has a lot to do with the bacon. It got us through the first few storm days…
Bean and Bacon Soup
8 oz Cannellini Beans
3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 onion chopped
3-4 carrots chopped
2-3 Celery Stalks chopped
1 Tbsp Fresh Rosemary
4 strips of Bacon
2 Garlic cloves crushed
1 can diced tomatoes
4 cups chicken/veg stock
4 cups water
2 tbsp fresh parsley
Heat oil in sauce pan over med heat.
Cook onion, celery, carrot, bacon, herbs, and garlic about 5 min
add beans, tomatoes, chicken/veg stock, water bring to a boil
Simmer gently for 20 minutes over medium Season and serve with parsley