A Mother’s Day
Today I took Ellie out for a “hike”. We ventured across the valley to a spot...
Today I took Ellie out for a “hike”. We ventured across the valley to a spot called Dutch Hollow where there are many looping and crisscrossing trails for horses, bikes, dogs, Mom’s, and Tot’s to enjoy. I put Ellie in the backpack and we took off up the trail. It was nice and peaceful not many others around. I was determined to get some exercise so I wasn’t really paying attention just moving.
Once we arrived at the top of the ridge Ellie began to nod off. I didn’t really want her to sleep in the middle of our hike. So I took the pack off and let her out to walk on her own. I’m so glad I did this because she starting showing me things I was not noticing before. Like the butterflies, the purple Penstemons, the bee’s buzzing, the Queen Anne’s Lace (I think), and she showed me she is trying to say “yellow”. She made me slow down and remember the important things. She helped me live in the moment and I loved it. We had a lovely little stroll on that ridge where I was shown dozen’s of rocks, flowers, and sticks. She also made me stop and listen to bees, birds, the river, and a helicopter fly by.
I’m so happy to be a Mom to have a little person in my life that shows me how to stop and listen to the world around me, to explore my surroundings, and to discover new things.
So thanks to the Wee One for giving me a beautiful day with out even realizing what a gift it is.