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Yikes for these Guys!

Gary shared this video the other day of Sage Cattabriga-Alosa (former Peruvian Lodge dish dog) following Matt Collins while mountain biking in Southern Utah. Sage is a fellow Alta skier who has mad skills. It’s as though his skis are a part of him. Skis or bike, he’s as smooth, stylish and talented as they come. My jaw dropped when I watched this with Gary. There are moments of this clip where you can actually feel scared for them without too much effort 🙂 Very impressive.

Notice the exposure on both sides of the single track most of the way down. These are definitely “no fall zones.”

Enjoy Dirt Spineology…


Yikes for these Guys!

Gary shared this video the other day of Sage Cattabriga-Alosa (former Peruvian Lodge dish...
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