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Gary here. I wanted to share a clip from last night on the snowmobile. It’s not me riding, it’s WasatchSpeedGoat Scott Mason…a good friend of ours up here in TL. I never thought I would own a snowmobile, but I’m glad I had one up here for this epic winter. If I didn’t own the sled, it would be like living on the beach with good surf and not owning a surf board.

Since we’re so far away from Alta now we don’t get over too often these days. A guy I know came up to me a few weeks ago and said, “Dude, where have you been all winter? It’s been sick!” I paused for a second, then responded “I’ve been 15 miles up in the Uintas in 15 feet of untracked POWDER, where have you been!?” Was the perfect comeback. So I did get my powder this winter one way or another 🙂 And there’s definitely something to be said about throwing around a 500lb machine, in deep snow, at 10,000′ above sea level. Oh and in my case, digging out the thing every 20 minutes! I actually stayed in pretty good shape.

Last Night Uinta National Forest – April 9th and BOTTOMLESS POW



Gary here. I wanted to share a clip from last night on the snowmobile. It’s not me...
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