Yet another snow storm

Yesterday we woke up to more snow and our internet and TV was down. Yikes! We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. So I took up a baking project and Gary went out for a ride on the sled. I made an Espresso Angel Food Cake with Cinnamon Cream Anglaise. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it weren’t for this miserable cold that has been beating me down all week. Can’t really taste things. Gary seemed to like it though he had two servings. Our TV came back just in time to watch the Superbowl. I’m one of those people who enjoy the commercials and half time more than the game. I thought the Shaq commercial where he was a jockey was hilarious.
Anyhow here is the recipe for the dessert from the February issue of Sunset Magazine. It’s pretty easy the hardest part is having enough eggs. Creme Anglaise is the perfect solution for what to do with all those remaining egg yolks. I used the basic recipe out of the Joy of Cooking and added some cinnamon.
Cinnamon Creme Anglaise
6 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups whole milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
Combine the yolks, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla in a bowl. Warm the milk in a sauce pan over med heat just until bubbles form on the edges. Slowly whisk the hot milk into the egg yolks and sugar. I stress slowly because you don’t want to cook your egg yolks. Return this mixture to the saucepan. Rinse out and dry the mixing bowl and set a fine mesh sieve over the top. Place the saucepan over low heat. Using wooden spoon stir the sauce gently but constantly sweeping the entire pan bottom and reaching into the corners. Again, you don’t want to over cook (scramble) your egg yolks so as soon as the sauce is slightly thickened, remove the pan from heat and stir gently to complete the cooking. You could try the “custard spoon test” to know if your sauce is done. The sauce should be the consistency of heavy cream. Pour the sauce through the sieve let cool and then cover and chill.

If I wasn’t on a diet right now I would totally want to try that recipe. /sigh Maybe soon…
Lucky ducks . . . Mark and I were just saying the other day that we wish we could get snowed in for a weekend. Put all the responsibilities that pull us away from each other to the side and spend a day on the couch with our fav movies and fun games and art projects. But, no snow in Germany! Maybe we can pray for a skif and use it as a lame excuse to stay home.
So do you think that if we come and visit you…you can bake us something yummy 🙂 It is so fun to hear about your interest in foods and baking.
I loved seeing the picture of your place. It is so cute and looks like the perfect cozy spot to watch the SuperBowl. We actually really got into the game. It was awesome! I tend to be the one trying to talk Jonathan into watching on Sunday. I still remember going to your parents house and your brother and Dad watching games. That is where I got my love for football (my dad).