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Apple Harvest

Yesterday was our 6th anniversary of married life. We took it easy most of the day as Ellie has a bit of a cold. Cleaned up the house some and puttered around. We did round up the wee one though for a short outing to Wasatch Mountain State Park. Every September they open up Hubber Grove to the public for apple picking. The apples are an heirloom variety from a 100 year old orchard. They are small but packed with perfect tart apple flavor. Ellie had a good time gathering up what Gary was getting out of the trees with the apple picker. We stopped and snacked on a few as well. It was an excellent way of welcoming the changing season of Fall and savoring a significant day. By the way we did have apple pie for dessert last night delicious I might add.

Apple Harvest

Yesterday was our 6th anniversary of married life. We took it easy most of the day as...
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