
Just a fun little project to document the life and adventures of our family. May the archives grow long, and hold special memories. Should you feel compelled, please comment on our blog topics!
- Home Town: Smithfield, UT
- Most Gratifying Food: Any dessert with Passion Fruit and Chocolate Chip Cookies.
- Favorite Color: Too many to choose from I like them all.
- Delicious Hollywood Entertainment: Princes Bride, Last of the Mochicans, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Friends, Seinfeld, and last but not least Alias.
- My Vice: Morning cup of good fresh coffee, best part of waking up….
- Pet Peeve: Rude people who budge in front of you, one of the most selfish acts a person can do.
- Key to Happiness: Patience and Simplicity.
- Most Admire: My husband for his humor, heart, mind, and soul.
- Dream Vacation: Can’t wait to go visit my family in Germany and do a Euro tour.
- Little Factoid: My eyes are different color. One has a spot in it that makes it look green the other is blue.
- Things I enjoy: Powder days in Alta, Sewing/Crafting, Baking Camping, a warm fire in the stove some hot tea and my family close by.
- Home Town: Horseheads, NY
- Most Gratifying Food: Elk Tenderloin with Pinot Noir, or anything I grow
- Favorite Color: Pure White Powder Snow White
- Delicious Hollywood Entertainment: Bah to most, but I do like Seinfeld and Gordon Ramsey
- My Vice: Steep and Soft Landings
- Pet Peeve: Aggressive drivers & anyone overboard with fashion
- Key to Happiness: There’s beauty in simplicity, desire little and put others first
- Most Admire: My wife for the way she loves Ellie, her calm nature, intelligence & attention to detail
- Dream Vacation: Extended vaca down under
- Little Factoid: I can turn myself into a bag of feathers when I crash on my bike or skis
- Things I enjoy: Family, Friends, Powder, Pedaling, Camping, Sustainable Living, Percussion and Web
Ellen, aka Sookie the Elliephant
- Home Town: Heber City, UT.
- Most Gratifying Food: Milk from Mama.
- Favorite Color: anything black and white for now maybe some red here and there.
- Delicious Hollywood Entertainment: what are you talking about?
- My Vice: My Binky.
- Pet Peeve: Strangers Touching Me.
- Key to Happiness: A full belly and lots of rest.
- Most Admire: My Daddy because he has the best silly faces and can make me laugh.
- Dream Vacation: Can’t wait for that Euro trip as well.
- Little Factoid: I’m named after my two paternal great grandmothers.
- Things I enjoy: laying in my crib watching the mobile spin and long walks with mommy and friends.

- Utah Skiing Blog – Ski Bum Poet » Blog Archive » Alta 16,000 Years Ago - [...] I first got to know my wife I was introduced to a world of rocks and ages that I…
I look forward to reading Peas and Love for Us every single day. Feels like we are with you all the time! Thank you…..
I was actually looking for Chip Maroccia, from Philadelphia, and found your site.
My daughter and I just loved the photos of the snow, the wildlife, and the baby.
We live in Washington State, and are just beginning to thaw out from about 2 feet of snow, which blew into drifts of 4 feet.
So, your photos of the car buried in show are something that we could understand.
Thanks also for the nice recipes. I began a website paradiseprairieproductions.com and I think I will add some recipes onto it. If I might include yours, that’s great, but not necessary.
Please, there’s a warning, that like Neil Young, I am sick of the lies and this war. So, being from Philly, and used to the Revolutionary War pamphlets, I started my own little newspaper, The Daily Paradise, and posted a few issues on my website. People tell me it’s radical. I just think I’m printing the truth. But as George Orwell wrote, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Thanks for the Neil Young info. I’ll try to find the album.
And thanks for sharing the photos of your family. The baby is just darling! And your home looks just like my issues of Country Living.
We live on a 20 acre old farmstead, ramshackle is the word.
Here is a link to the Chip I was seeking. If you know him, please tell him to e-mail Terry, the sister of Michael Gross, one of the band members of Experimental Products. Chip helped with the band.
Thank you again for such a nice website!
Terry Knudsen
Spokane, WA
Hi all,
We enjoy reading your website so much. Thank You!! Your pictures are so beautiful to look at and Ellen is growing like a weed and she is a beauty. Continue on , can’t wait for the spring in Utah.
>> I was actually looking for Chip Maroccia, from Philadelphia..
Wow there are more Chip Marcoccias out there?! Haha. Can’t help you find the one in Philly. The Chip Marcoccia here is one of our dogs 🙂
BTW thanks for such a nice comment, Terry.
beautiful blog
I am a Marcoccia too (of Piacenza, Italy)….
Well as I live and breath!!! I was just doing some research and came upon a report you wrote a number of years ago (while you were inbetween bucking rolls of jute up a Diamond Fork mountainside I am sure) and I thought, “wonder what ever became of that girl?” So I googled your name and much to my amazement it seems you’ve been doing rather well for yourself! Congrats on the clan you’ve been birthing. It is good to know that your doing well and look as happy as you ever did. I’ll have to show Olaf the website so he can see that your still alive and kicking. We’ve talked about you from time to time and I have always said that I bet you’d end up in upper New York state. Well, back to work for me.
Your ol’ ATC seed’n buddy,
Oh my James! So good to hear from you. I’ve thought of you and Olaf from time to time as well. I do have fond memories of working with the two of you. That was a decent job but the two of you made it much more tolerable. Glad you guys put up with me for the 9 months I was there. Would love to hear more from you and how you are doing.
take care my seed’n buddy,
Another search for a Marcoccia family member and came across your site. Just so you know, I’m first generation American and my family has told me that all Marcoccia’s from Italy are related b/c it’s a very UNCOMMON name. If you have any Paniccia ancestors, then you’ll know for sure.