A Date? What’s That?

That’s right people we had a night out! I think the last time we went out sans kids was for the holiday dinner with Avantlink co-workers last December. Technically Owen tagged along with us in my belly. At any rate thanks to my parents we escaped for a few hours. What did we do you ask? Well first we filled our bellies with good food at Shabu on Main Street in Park City. Good sushi and dim sum. Then we wandered over to Deer Valley for some music. Not just any music our favorite music. These two brothers have taken over our air waves here at home and our little ipod is always set to a good old mix of rootsy tunes and Gary can never go to bed at night without listening and watching them jam on youtube. So we did a little Avett Brother pirating of our own take a looksee…
and of course here’s another one for you as well
Now, I know that Gary and I talk a lot about the Avett Brothers. Gary more then me (seriously it’s like he has a little school girl crush or something). But after witnessing them live I can honestly say I fell in love with them all over again. These guys sent chills down my spine they were so passionate and fun to watch. The bass player was a hoot and in my book any band with a cello player kicks butt. Here is what another person said about these guys “Man. People, if I haven’t convinced you yet, if you take one single thing away from ever reading this blog, if you can allow me to give you just the slightest bit of unsolicited advice, please do yourself the biggest favor ever and go see these guys live.” My sentiments exactly.
Moving on to Saturday… After playing musical beds that night. My Dad had the Maiden Voyage in our new-to-us tent trailer, Mom was on the futon, Ellie started out in her bed moved to the futon, Gary started out in our bed moved to Ellie’s bed, I stayed in my bed, and Owen dear sweet little Owen went from crib to my bed to crib to my bed to crib to my bed. Whew! Once we got our wits about us in the morning Mom and I took the kids and headed to Midway for their Swiss Days/Labor Day celebration. Oh man it was wall to wall people in that little town. We tried our best to walk through the park and see what was new in the craft booths but half way through we threw in the flags and headed out to find food and call for the Calvary (Dad) to come get us. I know Swiss Days gets crowded but this year was exceptional. So we came home and put our feet up for a while then gathered ourselves up for some more Labor Day small town fun at the Francis Rodeo.
and then there was this maylay… ridiculous I tell you ridiculous
After the rodeo we ventured back home for some more musical beds.
We said good bye to Mom and Dad Sunday morning. Gary went to DV for some bike riding and I stayed home with the kids and worked on a sewing project. Not much to speak of on Sunday.
But on Monday we found this in the ground under all those nice potato plants. Nice work Gary!
And we caught Owen doing this…
Next up is a trip back to the Marcoccia homestead. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Thanks for the weekend w/ those two cutie pies. So much fun.
I can hardly wait for the Marcoccias to get their hands on those kiddos. They will have their ears talked off and special “I love you Bada ” every few moments! But I warn you, get some arm muscles cause Owen is a wiggler!
I LOVE ELLIE’S LAUGH!!!!! She just makes my heart sing!!!!!
That rodeo looks like a TRIP!!!! So much fun!!! I’m so glad you had a fun weekend!
Looks like you guys had some fun! Potatoes look good! And sweet little Owen and adorable little Ellie! She looks so proud of him… I cant wait to see you all in a few short days!!! Love you!
What does that say about me that I had no idea there was a Francis Utah? Is that for real? I HAVE been gone too long. I love how the first cowboy is riding Major Pain and walks away holding his behind.
Now that McKenna is in Kindergarten, I tempt my hubby with long lunches, which he is allowed every once in awhile because he reminds them how much they take him from me, and we go to lunch or to a matinee. Love that!