A Wee Milestone

This little blip is entirely for our benefit to journal a small but important event that occurred in the Marcoccia house last night. Ellie went poop in the potty!! WhaHoo! Gary and I have been working with her on using the potty, she has shown interest and we have had a few “practice sessions” but last night was the first time we have had success. I realize we have a long road to haul still but I am confident that she will get it soon. I think that Gary and I have to commit to the job now where before we were just planting the seed every now and then. Whew, Here we go…
Holy cow, that’s awesome!! Go Ellie!
Maybe the title of this post should be “A Wee Wee Milestone” 😉
We are so proud of our little Pooper:)
Oh the joys of potty training. I am with you…it takes a big commitment from the parents to start the process. Good luck!!
YEAH Ellie! fun times ahead!
Maybe the title should have been “Huge Milestone” because really, once they are pottytrained you feel 10 pounds lighter. No more diaper bag. Any bathroom is a go, because you don’t need a changing table. The funniest part to me was seeing how differently their clothes fit after the bulky diaper was gone. Tiny tiny bottoms. AND, you do have to commit to it, no going back or they will go back and forth, back and forth. Go get pretty panties, make a BIG deal about it, do a little dance and don’t go back. The first outing will be the scariest but it is a fabulous milestone!
Didn’t get a chance to say thank you from Cheryl and I for the yummy dinner Friday. We really loved seeing your place and the dinner invite. It was nice meeting Gary’s sister (very cute gal) and she shouldn’t have any trouble finding room mates in Park City. Also, the dogs were a hoot and the timberwolves Gary treated us to were something else. Ellie was precious and what a fireball!
Thanks again and it was nice visiting.