Bada and Papa’s Pre Christmas Gifts

Yesterday we received a pre-Christmas package from Bada and Papa. Let me tell you it was met with much enthusiasm. I wasn’t sure about opening the box at first but then I found the card with instructions explaining that it was a pre-Christmas surprise. There were specific instructions for Ellie to share the shaker with her baby brother and let him hear all the fun too. It arrived just at the right time. Ellie and I were starting to get some winter blues after being “home bound” for a few days due to our latest snow storm. Now we have some fun stuff to play with until Christmas is really here. Whew, so here is a bundle of videos to show Bada and Papa just how much you made our day. Thank You!!!
[flickrvideo]http://www.flickr.com/photos/17005385@N04/4189698523/[/flickrvideo] [flickrvideo]http://www.flickr.com/photos/17005385@N04/4189659553/[/flickrvideo] [flickrvideo]http://www.flickr.com/photos/17005385@N04/4189808173/[/flickrvideo] [flickrvideo]http://www.flickr.com/photos/17005385@N04/4189869241/[/flickrvideo]
There are some more on my flickr page if you are interested too. Enjoy

ahhhhh that was soo cute! Ellie is a wonderful dancer and HOWLER!!! 🙂
Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall at your house on Christmas morning! What a great idea to send a PRE Christmas package full of fun!
That was great!
Oh Ellie!!!! You made Bada’s day:) I am glad you all enjoyed the package. Thanks for sharing the excitement.
Okay, the howling at the end . . . that is so great! I love hearing her repeat your words, I love that stage, so fun! Thanks for sharing, she is going to be so fun on Christmas morning!