Catching Up

There is much to blog about. This little family has been busy with holidays, a big upheaval and move, and a special vacation to Maui! As a result our schedule has been turned upside down and we are having a hard time adjusting. Owen’s sleep habits have become… well lets just say we are all sleep deprived. We are trying to set up new sleeping habits in the new house but it is a process and it is taking a long time. As a result I have been so tired my head is spinning literally I have been dealing with vertigo and I think it is due to exhaustion. So bear with me, because I’m just going to slap a bunch of picture up to represent our Christmas…

Gary and his crown from Ellie so he could be the "King of Christmas"

Ellie gave Owen a "Pirate Ship" for Christmas and she picked out that necklace for me

Ellie enjoying the traditional Elbelskivers
Adah has become a singing fool lately. She seizes every opportunity presented to her to show off her lovely singing voice. Just last night she was belting out a tune with Gary as he blew into his beer bottle. She really likes to belt it out with Ellie whenever the Piano gets going.
All in all Christmas was wonderful. Gary surprised me with a guitar and some lessons. Gary got a record player from his parents and Bada even found a bunch of his old albums he had collected in high school. It’s been fun going through them lots of Cheap Trick, ACDC, the Cars, and there is a Rolling Stones one that I am anxious to hear. I gave him a box set of the Avett Brothers that included two records and we have been playing them almost every night. I’m glad we celebrated one last Christmas in our cozy little cabin. It was a good way to say goodbye to our little home. One thing that little home has is some good old fashion winter atmosphere and it truly made the holiday special.

Haven’t talked to you in awhile, obviously! Did you sell the cabin?! Where did you move to? I guess I need to give you a call. 🙂
Your Maui trip sounded awesome!!!
Great post Danette. I was going through Peas and Love withdrawal. Can’t wait to get there!!
Wow, you guys have been busy. Hopefully things will return to normal soon. I love Ellie’s piano! It is very cute. I agree with Bada I have missed your posts. Glad you had a good time in Maui! They say it only takes about 3 days to get your kids back on their sleep schedule so good luck and have fun!
Fun Christmas! Now, I want to see pictures of Maui and your new house!!! 🙂
OMG (and you should know that is the FIRST time I have every typed those three letters together all caps) Adah was stunning. Might be one of my fav video’s. Can’t wait to show it to the other 3 out of 4 Frandsen’s.