Family Time

We had a family reunion last week. Leslie, Mark, Bailey, and McKenna were here visiting from Germany. We had an excellent time with them at my Mom and Dad’s house. I stayed the whole week with Ellie and Owen. Gary came up on the weekends before and after. We were able to get together with our Jackson relatives to celebrate Great Grandpa’s 90 Birthday. It was a fun day and so great to get together with my cousins and their families. It was so great to hang out with the Frandsen’s, Mom and Dad, and my Brother Jon’s family too. It was a packed week with lots of shopping, playing, and eating.
Ellie had so much fun with her cousins she was so wiped out by the end of each day. We had a tie dye party, a tea party and a pizza party. Along with some Birthday celebrations and Mothers Day. Ellie and McKenna fast became best friends. Ellie followed her around and would repeat everything she was saying. One night they were in the bath together and suddenly Ellie started crying to get out saying she was scared. Mark asked McKenna what had happened and she said all she did was cross her eyes. So, Ellie doesn’t like crossed eyes they creep her out a little bit. Bailey tried it on her a little later and she still got upset. Such a funny thing to get scared over.
Listen to Bailey in this video she had my Mom and I rolling and tearing up with that British accent.
Owen did very well too. He is such a good tempered baby so easy to please. He gave everyone some big smiles. We weighed him on the scale while there and found out he is a whopping 13 lbs. He is growing like a weed! His wee socks don’t fit him anymore. I almost feel like we skipped over the whole newborn phase with him save for the late night wake up calls. Although he is finally giving us 5 to 6 hours at night now.
I think a special shout out to my brother-in-law Mark is in order. We was so good to us all week driving us around from store to store, waiting patiently while we shopped, taking care of all the kids and lending a hand when in need. My sister is fortunate to have married such an awesome man. They are in Texas now as I type celebrating the completion of his dissertation. He has worked so hard the past few years to earn his PhD. We are all so proud of him. Check out the “Marcercial” the military TV network did for him.
Danette, I am so happy for you all to have such a wonderful reunion! I felt like I was there with all the great shots and videos. Safe travels to Mark, Leslie, Bailey and McKenna. And Owen , what about those Cowboy Boots—- love it:)
Also, a BIG Happy Birthday to Grandpa Jackson
Great post Danette, it was a super great week! My house has yet to recover. Thanks to all of you for such great memories, LOVE YOU ALL.
Great post, you really summed it up. I should just put a link to your blog from mine! I love the picture of the three girls in their tye-died shirts. Loved every minute and will remember that time fondly. Til next time . . .
Hey Danette,
You won $15 off an Urban Baby Bonnet! Email me and I’ll tell you the deets! Congrats, Nici