He tried

Gary got me a special Valentine this year. He knew that he would be down and out over the weekend due to getting his wisdom teeth yanked out. So he bought something that he thought would make me comfortable and cozy and made sure it would be here while we were in the thick of wisdom teeth misery so that I would have something nice to open. He said he over heard me talking about how great Ellie’s pj’s are with the footies in them and how warm and cozy they would be. They are great for the Wee Ones. They do sound good in theory, but…. In reality when an adult tries them on especially a pregnant women, well I’m not so sure.
I will admit they are warm and soft and cozy just like you would imagine them to be, just a bit snug for me right now… I love Gary for this gift it was thoughtful of him, and he was being attentive when he over heard me chatting about the qualities of wee pajamas.
By the way the wisdom teeth yanking has gone relatively well thanks to pain pills and tea bags. Our weekend was mostly spent like this…
With CNN or some other nonsense playing in the background. It’s hard to see someone you love in pain but he has been a trooper with a good attitude. Even helped me move some boxes around as I took the opportunity to try to get the house organized this weekend. I think I’m in the “nesting” stage. I have some serious urges to get organized for the little fellows arrival.
We sent Ellie up to Grandma and Grandpa McKenney’s house this weekend while Gary recovered and I attempted to organize. The twins Coleman and Parker were spending the weekend with them as well. I think she had a good time hanging out with the boys. We are ready to get her back though and have our home filled with her presence. She was definitely missed.

What a nice post. We are returning the over-priced pajama gram and getting the best slippers available instead. Although I got the wrong size on the hoodie footie pajamies, at least we got out to one of our favorite restaurants on Thurs night after Ellie was gone, for an early Valentine dinner and my last meal before the yank.
Grilled Hanger Steak w/ Wild Mushroom Sauce and Crispy Hashbrowns. That’s what’s tying my over while I exists on soup, soft boiled eggs and yogurt for a few days 🙂
Danette, you look like a little pink snuggly bunny. Very thoughtful Gary. Hope you are feeling better. I am sure the wee one is missing her mom and dad too. She is sure lucky to have Grandma Sherrie and Grandpa Paul!!
I cant believe you returned those! 🙂 Just kidding…although they looked comfy i can imagine they wouldnt be very convenient. Gary – hope your mouth is feeling better. We miss you guys!
Really? . . . you sent them back?! Although you had better give some definite forethought if a bathroom break is needed. They are really fun and if we are all honest, who doesn’t want PJ’s with footies? Gary, hope you are feeling better, not a fun thing to go through. Can’t wait to be a Grandma’s and have all the cousins there!
I had some gray ones! They are very cozy and warm. Who cares what you look like when you are snuggling up in your living room. You look great in the photos. 😉
Such great pajamas. I am jealous!
Heidi Ahrens