We give Old Man Winter. We give! That’s exactly what I thought this morning when I heard Gary’s sigh as he looked out the window. Another foot plus pilled up over night. A wave of defeat washes over us today. Really I shouldn’t let a foot and a half of snow get in my way. Instead, we bundled up and went out and put our faces in it. Took it in. Literally…

We had a skiff on the ground when we woke up, but it is gone now. My heart goes out to you! At least you can get out and enjoy it. Come on down!
Wow it just won’t quit for you guys! Although, looks like Ellie didn’t mind:) Danette how did you keep your composure taking that video? The camera would have been shaking from laughter if I took it. Made my day, thank you.
I just saw the following posted on Facebook by a friend (of course we’re not in Alta…but it gives you the idea of what’s going on now in Utah): Arthur Haskell: “Alta had it’s largest 14 day cycle ever 169 inches”
That’s 1 foot a day consecutive for two weeks up there..
We just got rain and a freezing wind down here! I am through with old man winter! Next week should bring the sun, they say. I worry about it melting too fast for you guys now. You know the global warming thing could really kick in..Ü Good luck up there.
Ellie is such a cutie….
I guess we could still make it out there for some sledding 🙂
For your sake I hope that you get some sunshine and relief from the winter. When we get settled in our new place you will have to come down and enjoy it with us.
Miss you! Hearing your voice on the video and seeing Ellie made my morning!