SLC 5K Race Day

We did it! Gary, Ellen, and I ran the Salt Lake City 5K today. We woke up in the early wee hours this morning to be on time for the 7:30am start time. We met up with Brigitte, Roxanne, Charie, and the lovely Davis sisters (Charie and Rox’s Mom and Aunts) just in time to have a quick chat and good luck pep talk and then it was off to the races. Ellie was all decked out in the trusty B.O.B jogging stroller. She was a little unsure about being in a crowd of people and the crowded shuttle ride to the start line was uncomfortable for us all to say the least. But once we got going and found our pace she seemed to enjoy the ride. She was talking our ears off the whole way. I’ve never participated in a organized sporting event like that and I must say I really enjoyed myself. I think the energy of the crowd helped give me and extra boost because I felt great the whole run no stopping necessary except once to help Ellie get the bunches out of her jacket. We finished just under 40 minutes. I think we did pretty well considering our lack of discipline on the training, pushing a stroller, and having to start in the way back thus causing a few traffic jams and hang ups.
The best part of the whole event was having my husband and baby by my side and reuniting with some good friends. Gary was a good sport all day. He is not a fan of big crowds and he dealt with it well all day. Gary and Roxanne’s husband Ryan were also very good to patiently wait for us and watch over the kiddos while all the ladies gabbed and laughed about the good old times we shared in the various houses we rented in college together. I had not seen Charie since our wedding and I can’t remember the last time Roxanne and I got together. All the ladies got together the afternoon before race day for some catching up. Another good friend Sara came down to join us for dinner. With a group of 9 adults and 7 children ( 4 months, 8 months, 1 yr old twins, another 1 yr old, 2 yr old, and a 4 yr old I think I have it right?). It was a symphony of baby cries, grunts, screams, coos, and gabbing ladies. CRaZy to say the least but oh so much fun. I have truly missed having these ladies in my life and am so grateful that we have rekindled our friendships through our blogs. So glad I got to talk, laugh, run, and just be with you all the last two days. Thank you and I love you girls!

I wish I had been there to cheer you on! I forgot that you were doing this. Looks like you had a great time. Now you’ll have to train for the one on the 24th of July! I’m glad you could do it together as a family and with your good friends. There is nothing more fun than reuniting with old buddies.
40 minutes is pretty good! Way to go!
Yeah!! GOOD JOB!!! I am glad you have those pictures posted already. I was so excited to hear about the race. That is awesome that Gary decided to do it also.
I had so much fun Friday night hanging out for a few hours. We definitely need to plan other reunions down the road!!! LOVE YA! And CONGRATS on the 5k!!!!
Sweeet! Way to go, I can only imagine the exhilaration as you passed the finish line. What a great goal to set and all the better to do it with family and friends. Involving Ellie is a good start to teaching her about active lifestyles. You look so happy!
OK! You are my hero, or heroine. Way to go! What a fun day you must have had. The weather was beautiful and so is your family.
Considering I almost pulled a “roxanne” and started crying at the first, /sigh I think we all did amazing.
I am SOOOOOOO sore today. It is my thighs. They HATE me.
I am so glad you got pictures of Gary you and Ellie! I didn’t have any and now I can steal them off your blog. What an incredible time! Being with you was a highlight and reminded me even more why I enjoyed spending so much time with you. You are an incredible friend and person. I love your little family. Gary is so perfect for you…so willling to go with the flow the other day. WOW I was very impressed with him. That doesn’t really even do justice to describing how happy it made me to be with you again. One of the most rewarding times in my life and it was such a simple meeting. LOVE YOU! YOU are awesome!
Love the post! The picture of you, Ellie and Gary is so cute. I wish I could have talked with Gary a little more during all the chaos. It was so much fun hanging out with you and catching up. It has been at least seven or eight years…can you believe that. We have all changed over the years but in many ways things seem just the same. You are a great friend and I am so glad that blogging has brought us together again. I have some really cute pictures of you and Ellie I will send to you. Thanks for haning out with us at the hotel even though it was a lot of waiting around. Your the best!
Considering the crowds, stuffy shuttle ride and traffic jam in the parking garage after, I really enjoyed the day. This event has fired me up to start trail running more this year. Time to focus on fitness and longevity instead of going fast and taking chances 🙂 To all D’s friends. Thank you for being such good people and friends to her (and now me!). Here’s to more reunions!!
Hey! I saw your blog on Roxanne’s blog, and wanted to say hi and congras on the race! I am impressed with all of you guys! I am the worst runner, so I think that people who can run and do it for fun are amazing!!! Good to see how well you are doing!!!