Summer Time Momments

It has been cold in Timberlakes. Fall is knocking at our door. I’ve been telling it to go away. I’m not done with my summer yet, but the leaves are starting to change just a little, the sun is setting earlier, and the nights are getting colder. *sigh*
Anyway, I have neglected to share some pictures from this last month. Some good ones. We went to Alta with Jen and Zak last month to view the last gasp of the wildflowers. It was a great day. Got home a little later then expected, but we got to see some beauty and it was lovely. It was also fun to watch Ellie and Zak “hike” all over the place they were on a mission. Not really sure what the mission was and I don’t think they knew what their mission was either but they were having a good time following the little trail and exploring. Ellie picked out her outfit that day and when we got out of the car some people commented on how adorable she was. I just smiled and said thanks. Then I turned around and saw that she is pretty adorable. With the hat and glasses she looked to me like an old lady in retirement years all ready for her cruise or something. A- dor-a-ble
and here are what some of the flowers looked like…
Next up Owen, Ellie, and I visited the Wasatch Co Fair. It was a brief visit since it was a sweltering day and well the Fair was well lets just say it was typical for Heber, I digress. The high light and the reason I’m even mentioning it was that we found Soda Pop the Clown and she does an incredible job at painting faces. She turned Ellie into a beautiful butterfly for the day. It was so funny when she showed Ellie herself in the mirror she was a little stunned I think and wasn’t quiet sure what to make of it she didn’t really smile or react in any way but she wouldn’t stop staring at herself or let go of the mirror. When we came home she finally started to smile about it and she had to go in the bathroom and stare at herself some more. I was afraid of what was going to happen with time when it started to smear and wear off but she eventually asked to have it washed off. Oh my though she truly thought she was a butterfly for a little while.
A few mornings ago I walked out on the porch to see what Ellie was up to outside and found this scene
She didn’t know I was there. She was deep into what ever was going on with that crayon and her little book, not sure if it was a list she was making, a picture she was drawing, or some thoughts she was recording, but it was a nice little moment.
And Owen, well he has had some moments this month as well a few firsts. Like getting in the bouncy seat, eating cereal, giggling over his sisters silly antics, and his first cold.
I have to put this one up because he is so stinking cute in his new hat from Bada and Papa
yep stinking cute

Everytime McKenna sees a picture of Gary she wistfully sighs and says, “I wish I could have a water fight with Uncle Gary”, she looks at that post from mom’s all the time. Says things like, do you think I would have gotten wet? do you think Gary would have splashed me? Thanks so much for this post, I loved it. I needed that today . . . been a long lonely week.
Oh yeah I would have gotten her, and good!
What some “stinking cute” grandkids!! Love it I want a pic of Ellie thinking on the rock table ! I think they both have grown alot in the past 3 weeks! So much fun!
Oh yes McKenna he would have gotten you. Just ask his sisters they will tell you all about him. tee hee– Thanks for sharing all the pics and videos what fun they are. Great Job Danette!
Leslie I think about you and you fam alot, Even though there are lonely times, sounds like you are making the best of things and that is what counts:) Keep your chin up.
What a great post, Danette! Ellie and Owen are clones!!! I am ready for the cooler weather and the fall leaves. We will come visit and take a walk with you when the leaves are in full color. 🙂
Your little darlings are just so beautiful!!! Looks like you doing great!