The Wee One is Two

We celebrated Ellie’s Birthday on Sunday. It was a great day! Gary and I bought a little kitchen set for her. We assembled it the night before (took 2 1/2 hours ugh) so it was all set up for her in the morning. I think she knew there was something going on because she woke up at 5am and would not settle back. So we brought her out and showed her what was waiting. She took to it right away trying on the chef hat and oven mit and cooking up a storm.
My parents arrived later that morning and we spent the day preping for the Birthday BBQ making cupcakes and party hats and such. We also were able to enjoy a Birthday seranade from the Frandsen’s via Skype. It was awesome to get to visit with them for a while and share Ellie’s Birthday with family on the opposite end of the world. Gotta love Skype!
this last picture shows how Ellie “helped” decorate the cupcakes when mom and I were not paying attention she had stuffed a few jelly beans into the cupcake holes. What a good helper.
Soon bunches of friends trickled in for the Birthday Bash and we had a great time visiting and enjoying the kids. Ellie was a little shy at first but didn’t take too long to warm up. She crawled into her Dad’s arms as we sang Happy Birthday to her but she understood she was supposed to blow out the candles. Then she decided help her self and taste or lick the frosting on each cupcake. She was the Birthday girl after all…

- Utah Skiing Blog – Ski Bum Poet » Blog Archive » Ellie is 2 - [...] had Ellie’s 2nd birthday party on Sunday. It was a blast to have friends, and other kids around to…
Sweet, I’ve been waiting for this post. I too love Skype! Makes me feel a little closer. Ellie is so cute! I just want to squeeze her cheeks. All the birthday bash decor was perfect. You know the reason the kitchen set was taken to so well? She watches you make magic in your kitchen and wants to follow suit!
Cute cake and cupcakes, Danette. She is going to get hours of fun out of that great kitchen sets!
Yeah! 2 years old! I’m so glad you had such a great day. Love the kitchen set and the cake and cupcakes were awesome!
So glad to see the pictures you captured of her special day. I was hoping someone had one of Ellie licking the cakes. That was so cute! Thanks for good memories and yummy food!
Happy Birthday Ellie!
Dannette…Darling cake and cupcakes. You truly are magic in the kitchen!
What a nice birthday. Beautiful cakes, Danette. Aunt Danielle said Ellie looks like a little Strawberry Shortcake Doll with her bakers hat on. I agree. Precious!