We Made It

Ellie, Grandma McKenney, and I are here! In Germany that is, visiting my sweet sister and her daughters while her husband is away for a time. Our flight was long of course we went from SLC to San Fran then on to Frankfurt. San Fransisco to Frankfurt was 10 hours!! Ughhh, We did good though and I am proud to say that we didn’t even have to pull out the DVD/Elmo TV for Ellie. She did relatively well the entire time. She was a little distracted by the movie playing on the plane, but she read books, played with a new toy from Grandma, colored a little bit, and played musical laps between me and my Mom. We did loose our luggage for a time but it was delivered all in one piece this morning. I was so happy to see my toothbrush as was everyone else I’m sure.
It has been so great to see my sister and her girls again. Bailey and McKenna have grown some since we saw them 6 months ago. Ellie took to them right away following them around watching them dance and sing. She also warmed up to Leslie quickly too. When she was startled last night by loud music she ran into the other room straight into Leslie’s arms. I was there on her tail calling her name but she had her sights set on Leslie. Ellie is also getting used to the idea of sharing her Grandma. Last night Baliey, McKenna, and Grandma were all cuddled up together on the couch and Ellie kept checking them out. I speculate that she was just wondering how to get in on the snuggles.
We have some fun stuff planned this week shopping, more shopping, and then a little more shopping. Just kidding Dad, Mark, and Gary. Your bank accounts will be fine. We will keep it in check. (Wink Wink) We are just glad to be together. Hopefully our little visit will help Leslie, Bailey, and McKenna through the difficulties of missing their husband, father, and best friend.

Glad you guys made it ok!
I know all about the Grandma sharing thing. But on the Grandma side of it, it is sure good for the ego!! There is nothing better than snuggling with a Grandchild, or a bunch of Grandchildren!
Have a wonderful time and giggle alot! It is good for the soul, so they tell me!
Be safe….. all of you!
Love to all
I’m glad you made it safely. How fun to have all the girls together! I hope you have a FANTASTIC time…and heck ya, Go Shopping! 🙂
Oh, how I wish I was there. Steve has to go to London next month, so I might tag along for a little detour to Germany. I hope it all works out! Have so much fun, and eat lots of chocolate 🙂
So happy you made it there okay. I am just so happy for you because I know what it is like to travel to visit sisters. IT’S the BEST!
We look forward to having you back her safe and sound too. Keep the updates coming. We need to get a sledding time in when you get back if there is still snow.
Glad you made it, safe and sound. Have a good time! Snuggle all the kids for me!
Love you,
So glad everything is going so well. Enjoy Grandma:)
Please have a blast for me!
Oh, and I totally may have you bring me something back if I can remember what it is called. I’ll let you know.
Hope you guys are having a blast! I am jealous!!!