Seeing Double

Last week while out cruising the neighborhood we managed to pick up a sidekick. We discovered that his name is Leonard although he looks a lot like Gary’s long lost pal Magnus. Obviously Leonard and Adah hit if off right from the start as they are from the same Kuvasz tribe. They are both clowny, silly, and somewhat aloof, but lovable none the less. I can’t believe how much Adah and Leonard look alike so crazy. Gary tried to call Leonard’s family and let them know we enjoyed his company and how great it is to have another Kuvasz in the neighborhood but we have yet to hear back from them. They are probably thinking “what some weirdos” can’t blame them we are a bit cRaZy in love with our dogs 🙂
We attempted to get a photo of the two together but they were so busy smelling and such it was impossible. He is quiet a bit bigger than Adah. Makes me happy we were blessed with a relatively petite lady rather than a big old buffoon.
Is that you Magnus?
Our beautiful Adah

Magnus/Leonard couldn’t be denied. Last summer he paid a visit one day. (See the link in D’s post for an article I wrote about it.) I let him hang for a while, but then loaded him up in the Subi (which was a challenge as he’d prob never been in a car!) and drove him 10 miles up the canyon back to his sheep herd. He had a brand on him that matched the sheep so I know that’s where he came from. Apparently this big goof got enough of a taste of Chip & Adah’s good life…that he came back and this time found a home! He now has a registration and vaccine collar, as well as a name and phone number. I’ve tried to call a couple of times but haven’t had any luck reaching his owners. I want to see if in fact this is Magnus. I have a feeling it is! 🙂
That is a great post. It is so funny looking at the two of them. “leonard” looks very masculine: HUGE and Adah, gotta love her, she is just so feminine compared to him. Did Chip get jealous? So, FYI, your big sista from a bitty town is going to POLAND this weekend. That just sounds so funny to me, never thought in a million years I would ever say that sentence. Anyhoo, I be finding out what all the fuss is over this polish pottery. . . can’t imagine it comparing to my Italian pottery but I’m willing to give it a chance. I’ll keep you “posted” he he.