An Evening with the Cousins

My brother and his family came over last night to visit and watch the Jazz game of course. We had a good time playing with the cousins. The boys were fascinated with Ellie and she was equally fascinated and entertained by them. It was a wild night for her she watched them with big eyes and tried to join in with the play and noise. Needless to say Ellie was wiped out she slept better than she has in a long time we didn’t wake up to nurse until 4:30 am. She is even seems a little tired this morning too.

So now our Elliephant knows…that if you party all night, it’s a hard morning to come. Hehe. I wish I could have been there to see her hootin’ and hollerin’. And to meet Tamia as well 🙂
Looks like a great time! And what cute kids!!!! I think kids always make things so much more enjoyable!
Skiing was great today. My legs got a WORKOUT! That’s a good thing right?
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better from your dentist experience. SO NOT FUN!