Empty House

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to Sarah and Grandma Marcoccia as they were starting their adventure driving back to NY. It is never easy saying goodbye, so I always try to focus on when we will see them again and remind myself of the good times we had over the visit. We will see them again soon in October when Jill and Larry get married.
I think Sarah was ready to leave and get back to NY and her new apartment, friends, and job. It was fun having her here all month. I know it was good for Ellie. She loved waking her up in the morning with smiles and hugs. We loved having Grandma Marcoccia here, too. She has so much energy. I wish I could steal away just a little bit of it. So glad Ellie got to show her all she is doing now like the babble, crawling, and playing. Our little house felt very empty yesterday and last night with out them. Needless to say, we are missing our guests very much and looking forward to the next visit when we can see the whole family.
Love you all…
For more picnic photos look here…
Ohhh Sarah

I hate good byes may I say!!
Those pics were great.
Wishing safe travel to Grandma Marcoccia & Sarah
Well i have to say i spoke with Sarah yesterday (while they were going thru Wyoming) and all she could talk about was getting back to her Tay-tay. I guess she should have brought the dog with her! 🙂 That would have made your house a LOT more cramped! I can’t wait till you guys come out again – i cant wait to see Ellie’s showing off her new stunts!
Well those are some pretty amazing photos if I do say so myself 😉 Be sure and check the gallery Danette linked up at Flickr.
What beautiful photos! What a beautiful place for a picnic..
Thanks for sharing, and God speed to all who are traveling this week!!
Thanks for everything Danette and Gary. I had a wonderful time, as always. Ellie is so much fun! You are doing a great job with Ellen. I miss you all so much already. Can’t wait to see you again.
Love You All,
Grandma Marcoccia