3 is the Magic Number
“A man and a women had a little baby, and there were three in the family,...
“A man and a women had a little baby, and there were three in the family, that’s the magic number…”
(favorite song from School House Rocks)
So here we are, Ellen is three months old today! A few of our friends have said that after three months things get much easier. I must say though that we haven’t had it bad, we have been very lucky Ellie has been a dream baby. She is calm and mellow for the most part. In fact last night she was happy just to hang out and snuggle in my lap as I indulged in my favorite ridiculous TV show. Don’t get me wrong we have had our sleepless nights, ringing ears, and freak outs, but I must say Gary and I are amazed by her everyday. Yesterday she discovered the ball on the mirror toy in her crib and was smiling and laughing as she was working so hard to move it. I made her the little hat in the photo above, it’s a party hat to commemorate our three months together. I’m going to make some chocolate chip cookies later as well.
Little facts about three: