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More DtB Stuff

Gary here. Ok are you sick of my Donna the Buffalo posts yet? Sorry, but I can’t resist. They remind me so much of my homeland, and the people, that I am addicted to their music and vibe. And lifestyle…

A favorite college professor of mine way back when used to use the term “Gestalt” a lot… From the Wiki page on Gestalt Psychology

Gestalt psychology (also Gestalt of the Berlin School) is a theory of mind and brain that proposes that the operational principle of the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self-organizing tendencies; or, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

That, my friends, is Donna the Buffalo. When you’re at a show there is MUCH much more there than just an audience, instruments, musicians and music.

Enjoy this tribute MySpace TV vid on Donna the Buffalo’s 20 year anniversary, and their new record “Silverlined”..


Previous DtB posts include:

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…a conversation with Ellie.


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Spring Clean

Oh yes, it’s that time of year again. Time to clean and I mean CLEAN. Months of dust and grime have accumulated in the Marcoccia home and with a fresh change in season comes a fresh home. Granted our snow is still here and apparently isn’t leaving anytime soon, but we are doing what we can to encourage things to come back to life. A few other motivators for this cleaning festival that I should mention as well are that we listed our Timberlakes home for sale this week with a realtor. I will write more about this when I have a better emotional grip on it, but for now we are scrambling to get this place “show ready”. Another motivator is to SIMPLIFY yes! I love to simplify and I was inspired to do so last night by this blog I discovered here good stuff.

So here are some highlights from our Saturday cleaning festival. First we discovered that our bathroom light fixtures are kind of cute they are frosted on the tips. Huh we had assumed the whole glass thingy was frosted the entire two years we’ve been here! This is bad I’m totally revealing what a bad housekeeper I am and how lazy I am. That light fixture has been screaming to be cleaned and polished from the very first time I saw it. Procrastination is a terrible thing.

Gary volunteered to watch Ellie as I attacked the bathroom. It was a little quiet after a while so I stepped out to see how they were doing and this is the scene I found…

Daddy’s little helper. She was content in the backpack for over an hour! I think we have discovered a new way to clean the house without interruption. Not sure who was more proud Daddy or Ellie.

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Ahh Home

We took a quick trip up to Cache Valley this weekend to get a visit in with my parent before we all go on our merrily way for the holidays. My parents are being adventurous this year and going across the pond and then some to Germany to visit my sister and her family. Its a pretty big deal especially for my dad who doesn’t really do vacations. I think he is going to be pleasantly surprised though.

Its alway very therapeutic for me to go to my parents house. Although they have moved out of the neighborhood we grew up in there are so many reminders through out the house of my childhood and my roots. From the toys that were held onto for the grandkids, to Grandma McKenney’s old bed and quilt, and just the little smells and intricacies of being home. Mom and Dad are always the ultimate hosts making up a comfortable room to stay in, treating us to a dinner out, and fixing a big breakfast. I love watching them interact with Ellie you can see and feel the joy in their hearts when ever they are around their grandchildren. So, thank you Mom and Dad for taking care of us this weekend it was just what we needed.

More DtB Stuff

Gary here. Ok are you sick of my Donna the Buffalo posts yet? Sorry, but I can’t...
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…a conversation with...
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Spring Clean

Oh yes, it’s that time of year again. Time to clean and I mean CLEAN. Months of...
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Ahh Home

We took a quick trip up to Cache Valley this weekend to get a visit in with my parent...
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