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Summer Outfit

I’ve made a goal recently to make Ellie all her summer attire this year. I have banned myself from the outlet mall in Park City because it’s always just too tempting and I always have buyers remorse immediately after any purchase. In addition I’m going to try to produce a few summer shirts for myself and not buy any. Although I would love to go get a new dress to wear to Gary’s 20th High School Reunion next month. Hmm…

The goal for Ellie is realistic though. It is my opinion that patterns for wee ones are more basic and simple for the most part. I made these shorts for her a few days ago.  It is vintage corduroy I picked up at a sweet little shop in Corning NY while visiting family last winter.  Gotta love those sweet little blooms.

My favorite thing about these are the little gathered pockets

Once I got the shorts finished I had to make a shirt. I wasn’t lovin’ any of the patterns on hand so I traced my own pattern from one of the dresses I purchased for Ellie when we visited Leslie in Germany. I just made it shorter. I had fun with it because is was essentially from scratch and a big experiment to see if I could produce something without a pattern.

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Soaking up the Last of the Sunshine

It is a beautiful day today so Ellie and I took advantage of the nice weather and played on the back deck for a bit today. Gary finished up painting yesterday and it looks sooo good. It’s a perfect place for Ellie to practice her walk. Obstacle free and wide open space.

I also took the time this morning to finish up a sewing project. Skirts, one for Ellie and one for McKenna who is celebrating her Birthday this month. I got my inspiration from here, who got her inspiration from here.  This is an easy one so I encourage anyone with any spark of interest to try it out. Seriously so simple…and you can download the pattern for free.

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Waiting on Button Holes

Here is my latest attempt at sewing.

It is a shirt for Ellie when she gets a little bigger. I am so in love with the material. It’s a print from Heather Ross. I found it here. I was afraid to cut into it but then just took a deep breath and went for it. I will admit I did struggle making this. It’s hard to work with wee sizes. Attaching the arms and the cuffs were the big challenges. It will be easier the next time around though. I have the material all planned out already. This pattern came from a thrift store shopping trip as well. It’s so retro I love it. Straight out of the 70’s.

It is not complete though, needs button holes. I’m a little intimidated by this task although I’m sure it is a simple thing but I think I will wait until my Mom can bail me out here with her skills. I’m just afraid of putting a hole in the fabric because once you do there is no returning. I have actually made button holes before. I did it on a couple of skirts and a shirt and I did it the old fashion way with out the use of the button holler sewing machine attachment. In fact I think I prefer this but it is tedious to say the least and I’m not so sure how it would turn out on a wee shirt for Ellie.

Here is a look at my next project…

It’s a pattern by Oliver + S. I was directed here by the Chicken and the Momma. I love that the patterns can also be used as paper dolls. Brilliant!

This is the material I’m going to use for the top. Another Heather Ross print. Lovely! Wish me luck because I’m afraid to cut into this one as well. I’m thinking of using an old pair of brown cords of mine for the shorts.

Summer Outfit

I’ve made a goal recently to make Ellie all her summer attire this year. I have...
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Soaking up the Last of the Sunshine

It is a beautiful day today so Ellie and I took advantage of the nice weather and played...
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Waiting on Button Holes

Here is my latest attempt at sewing. It is a shirt for Ellie when she gets a little...
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