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Oh the Weather Outside…

It’s snowing and snowing and snowing. Started yesterday and I don’t think it’s going to stop until tomorrow. Of course Gary got the powder fever and got up early this am to make the trek to Alta for the frenzy. All I can say is that he will be coming home to a job of work because it is building up out there. Ellie and I went out for a hot minute to get some fresh air. She didn’t last long kept saying “go home”, but she did manage to get her share of freshies.

And then there are the things we find ourselves doing on these snowy home bound days. Oh the fun!

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We give Old Man Winter. We give! That’s exactly what I thought this morning when I heard Gary’s sigh as he looked out the window. Another foot plus pilled up over night. A wave of defeat washes over us today. Really I shouldn’t let a foot and a half of snow get in my way. Instead, we bundled up and went out and put our faces in it. Took it in. Literally…


Oh the Weather Outside…

It’s snowing and snowing and snowing. Started yesterday and I don’t think...
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We give Old Man Winter. We give! That’s exactly what I thought this morning when...
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