Gary V. Hanna
The Marcoccia’s front pond is primed and ready for skating. Gary shoveled it off...
The Marcoccia’s front pond is primed and ready for skating. Gary shoveled it off after a snow storm so it would be smooth and glassy. Everything came together for the right conditions so he found his old hockey skates and got after it. All the dogs wanted a part of the fun as well. Especially the St. Bernard Hanna. So Gary slapped the puck around with her the other morning. Gary said she made a good goalie. I think he won because she eventually just laid down on the ice and took a break.
I took a knitting class in Ithaca yesterday, at a great little shop called Knitting Etc. My instructor was very kind and patient. She taught me the basics of casting on, knitting, and pearling; and we started a scarf. I thought I had it down no problem so I took it out again on the drive home to see if I could do it on my own and of course I messed it all up. Dropped a stitch or two, and missed a stitch or two a long the way. 🙂 So now I’m trying to figure out my mistakes, yikes!! Just look at my concentration…
After the knitting class we stopped in at the Ithaca Farmers Market. Where they were having a Rutabaga Curling Contest. Oh my what a funny sight! As we walked into the market three Rutabagas rolled across the board walk right to our feet. Then we looked up to see the participants and realized we were in the middle of a classic and unique Ithaca event. Not sure what all the rules were, but it looked like fun.
Finally, Linda and I had a good time this morning trying to get the right picture of Ellie in another Marcoccia vintage, circa 1973 compliments of Aunt Danielle. I love this dress! She looks so beautiful don’t you think? The photo session didn’t go so well for us amateur photogs, but you get the idea. She’s a little Christmas Angel and her parent’s hearts are soaring.
Here is the latest accomplishments from Ellie…
I also thought this was pretty funny. This is how I found her sleeping in the crib the other day when I went in to check on her.
and we dressed her up in a vintage Marcoccia girl shirt love the birdies. Linda pulled out a big old tote full of baby clothes from Danielle, Jill, and Sarah. Definitely found some precious gems that Ellie is going to have to show off. She now officially has more clothes than any of those Hollywood personalities, yikes!
Ellen and I took a walk this morning behind the house, and up the hill a little ways. Adah, Tayen, and Marley the brave dogs joined us, we had about a foot of snow and ice come down on Saturday evening through Sunday. All the makings for a white Christmas.
On Saturday Sarah and Linda took Ellie and I to Corning to check out the local shops in the Gaffer District. It’s a little section of town with great boutique type stores featuring local artist, glass works, and such. We hit our favorite Antique Mall and also found a new gem of a shop that had all kinds of vintage fabrics, trims, and notions. I could have spent hours there checking out all the cute little retro prints. I did end up buying some tiny buttons with pink owls on them and some ribbon with little duckies following momma ducky. So precious. Gary promised we could go back before we leave.
The two Gary’s met up with us later for some excellent Indian food, and then we met Jill and her family for a real Corning experience. We went to Hands On Glass a studio in Corning where you can blow your own glass Christmas ornaments. It was great fun they let you blow into the gaffer (metal rod) to shape and expand the ornament. We each got to blow our own ornament and watch as they shaped it and made the hook at the top.
There are many things to write about we have been busy bee’s around here getting ready for the Holidays. It’s been so fun. First off we got the TREE decorated. I say TREE because it is the biggest tree in the Marcoccia family yet, measuring in at 16 feet tall. Both Gary’s hauled it in through the sliding doors. It took one night to put the lights on and another night to decorate. Linda even dug out the old Christmas vinyl and Silvertone portable record player. We listened to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer medley and we had to sneak in a childhood favorite Chipmunk Punk.
Yesterday Linda, Danielle, Ellie, and I shopped till we dropped. We took a drive up to Geneva, NY where there is a great Outlet shopping center. We hit all the good stores and I finally completed my Christmas shopping whew. Ellie was a trooper she was bundled up well and quietly took it all in. Grandma Marcoccia even let her pick out her own toys at the Carter’s store. I hate to let Grandpa McKenney know but I think Ellie a natural born shopper.
Today we woke up to the beginning of a Nor’easter snow storm. We had an early morning greeting cousin Kevin as his school was canceled due to a snow day. So we put together a Gingerbread House and then when everyone got home we went out and played in the snow. We bundled Ellen up in her snow suit and let her experience snowflakes on her face, snow angels, and a sleigh ride. All the good things a winter snow storm brings.