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The Other Babies in our Lives

Ever since we played with chickens while care taking the Entrada Ranch near Moab Gary has wanted a flock of his own. So he decided this was the year. Ellie and Gary picked out 6 chicks to bring home the day we had to say good bye to Bada and Aunt Danielle. They lived in the house in a big box for almost two weeks. Now they are out in our shed in a homemade “box” with a warm lamp awaiting their coop. They are getting big now flying around in their wee space and chirping up a storm. Hopefully soon the weather will cooperate and we will get the coop-de-lux built. They have been fun and Ellie loves to check on them, feed them, and show them off. They are growing on me. I was expecting we would get 2 or 3 and was surprised with 6. I’m looking forward to fresh eggs. I love that they will eat up my kitchen scraps reducing the amount of garbage we contribute to the landfill. I also am thrilled for Ellie to have a hands on experience with raising chickens. There is much opportunity there for her to learn and discover. Wish us luck with our new little chicks.

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My Husband Rocks!!!

Oh how I love him let me count the ways. He super cleaned the house yesterday even the nasty smelly space under the sink where the garbage is stored.

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A Moment

Just a precious little moment captured at the the park. They put their arms around each other as they were watching the other kiddos play yesterday. As if to say “I’m glad your here your my best friend”. Jen and I watched with pride, giggles, and that warm feeling a Mom gets when she see something special happen.

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Evening Entertainment

Last week I bought a bottle of Bubbles for Ellie because she was so good for me at the grocery store. They were a hit and we have had hours of fun playing with them. She cracked us up the other night when she decided to start catching them with her mouth. She looked like a little guppy getting fish food. It’s so fun when the simplest of things can bring us together for a little bit of fun.

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Week 34

Yep, we are on 34 weeks now. Just had a midwife appointment and all is well, good blood pressure, good weight gain, measuring right on target, and a strong heart beat from the little fellow. I’m attempting to mentally prepare myself as well thinking about how I want the labor to go and facing what ever fears come and go. I would like to have a natural birth this time around with no Pictocin what so ever. I’m not saying I wont get an epidural I don’t think that I am super women but I think that the less medicated the labor and birth is the better. So I want to give it my best effort. I want to let my body do it’s job and I want it to be a beautiful experience.

Bada and Aunt Danielle have bought their tickets to come help support us and be here for Ellie. Hopefully we will get the timing right. I’m looking forward to having them here with us. My Mom, Dad, and neighbor Jen are on call in case the timing isn’t right.  I’m so thankful for the support system we have makes me feel very good.

In trying to prepare Ellie and I took a trip to the library yesterday. We picked up some books for Ellie about new babies and families. I also picked up some name books for Gary. He is starting to get stressed out about names. I’m not too worried it will come to us when we see the little fellow. I picked up some books on birthing. One book in particular we had a chuckle over last night it was a little dated and seemed as though some hipppie wrote it long ago. It had some really graphic pictures in it. That I kind of wish my brain didn’t take the time to process. You know the kind that make childbirth look like a horror show. It also had recommendations for conditioning and preparing for labor, like squatting and such, according to this book and the pictures your supposed to do all these exercise naked with the assistance of your partner who is supposed to be in 70’s style short shorts with white trim. Hmm… Also Gary read that I’m not supposed to sit in cushy chairs. My reply “Do you want to sit in a stiff hard wooden chair after a long day of carrying around an extra 25 plus pounds?” I don’t think so. Needless to say I took that book back to the library today.

Here is a few nuggets from Ellie. We all know she is a fan of Elmo and his songs and Gary and I are fans of Adam Sandler and his funny songs. So, when we saw the two of them do a skit on Sesame Street we were all very happy and it has resulted in this


“This is a song about Ellie” She plays the uke better then me!!!

Also, her new favorite spot for watching a movie

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Breaking up the February Blues

Last week Gary’s sister Sarah came out for a little visit and a ski vacation with her fiance Mike and our nephew Kevin. They stayed Monday to Friday and we had an awesome week with them. On Tuesday we all skied at Alta. Ellie took her first ride on the chair lift. She loved it and was in awe of the views, trees, and mountains. I skied two runs myself. Two was all I had in me though. It’s not easy when your carrying an extra 20lbs. But I will say it was definitely worth it. Ellie got right into it she was super excited and kept saying “go fast” and whooping it up. It was a thrill to ski next to her and Gary and watch her thoroughly enjoy herself with a big smile and wide eyes. Kevin is a fabulous skier and I think a natural athlete.  He did very well and we were pleasantly surprised by his good attitude. I wish I could have spent more time with him out there.

Gary was so proud of Ellie he had to buy this picture taken by Peak Photo on the mountain. It is a great shot and I’m glad we have it.

On Wednesday we took Kevin and Ellie to Soldier’s Hollow to go tubing. Kevin was very patient with us as he had to wait a few hours while Gary finished up some work before hand. Once we got there I think he had a good time and was running laps around Gary and Ellie.

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I think Gary had just as much fun as the kids.

Unfortunately I didn’t take all the pictures I should have or wanted to. Sarah and Mike got away without even one photo for me. Dang. On Thursday everyone went skiing while Ellie and I had a chill out day at home. Then we all reunited for some dinner. It was good to visit with Sarah, Mike, and Kevin. Kevin was so sweet to Ellie he brought her some toys and helped her make a big tent out of blankets in her room. He is an expert at tent making. He was a good sport to hang out with us and play with Ellie. The visit was too short and I wish we could have had just a few more days to play. It did cure some of the winter blues that always seem to come around in February. Thanks to Sarah and Mike for coming out and bringing Kevin with you. We miss you a ton.

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The Other Babies in our Lives

Ever since we played with chickens while care taking the Entrada Ranch near Moab Gary...
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My Husband Rocks!!!

Oh how I love him let me count the ways. He super cleaned the house yesterday even the...
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A Moment

Just a precious little moment captured at the the park. They put their arms around each...
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Evening Entertainment

Last week I bought a bottle of Bubbles for Ellie because she was so good for me at the...
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Week 34

Yep, we are on 34 weeks now. Just had a midwife appointment and all is well, good blood...
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Breaking up the February Blues

Last week Gary’s sister Sarah came out for a little visit and a ski vacation with...
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