A little more Green
Last week while I was visiting my parents Gary called me with the news that our washing...
Last week while I was visiting my parents Gary called me with the news that our washing machine had stopped spinning and was making an awful noise. Yep, it was inevitable our washing machine had pooped out. So, we took a deep breath and went shopping. With hardly any arm twisting I managed to talk Gary into a front loading washer. Actually, all that had to be said was “it will reduce our water use by more than half”. That’s right, front loading washers use about 18 gallons of water compared to the old school top loader that uses up to 45 gallons of water and they reduce the amount of time clothes spend in the dryer because they spin the clothes at higher rpms. Plus it reduces the wear and tear on clothes from a conventional dryer therefore helping your clothes last longer. It took my first batch of laundry 40 minutes to dry. The oldy moldy dryer took about hour. I’ve never been so excited to do the laundry before! We sat in the hall this morning as a family and watched the first load of laundry get clean.
This made me think what are we doing to reduce our “footprint” and what could we be doing better? I often feel that for every one thing we do right there are 5 things we could be doing better.
So here’s a few things the Marcoccia’s are doing right.
And, here are a few things we could be doing better…
I love magazines! I’ve never been one to sit down and read a book I always tend to fall right to sleep about two pages into it, unless it’s and excellent book that really captures my attention but that is usually a rare case I guess I’m a picky reader. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I’m a visual kind of person I love tactile stuff and eye candy I need pictures to keep me alert. So when one of my favorite bloggers SouleMama put up a link to Small Magazine I quickly fell in love with the concept. It’s an internet publication featuring boutique shops like the ones found on the Etsy site. They have little stories/interviews with the artisans that contribute and interesting and lovable photo sessions as well as illustrated fashion features.
“Small is a magazine of creative work on a small scale and for the small sized. Although primarily for children’s products and designs it is also about small-scale productions. We are looking for people that are interested in play, children, childhood and the child within and who produce high quality work and independent products and design on a small-scale.”
Plus they provide bonus material like a pdf for paper dolls. So cute! It’s a great way to channel some artistic inspiration and meet some of those fabulous Etsy artisans. Go ahead and subscribe you wont be disappointed.
Other things to share… checkout the “I like your style” blogs over yonder under the blogroll as well as the new link to this gem of a site Trailmix.com. Have fun getting lost in the fabulous internet vortex!
Just about a year ago we met our neighbors the Cacace’s. Upon meeting them we found that we had so much in common. Kim was in her first trimester of pregnancy as well. We were so excited for each other and so, a friendship developed and the neighborhood stroll began. We started out strolling about with our big bellies and dogs in tow. Kim has two dogs as well Moki and Montana. Montana and Adah have become bosom buddies as well. They get so excited to see each other and romp around.
Over the summer we would meet up on walks and compare bellies, aches, pains, cravings, feelings, and doctor visits. In the fall once the “wee ones” were here we would meet up for the ultimate stroll, pushing our babes on a three mile loop over the hills and through the rocks and mud. I’m sure it was a bit comical if someone came across us. Just picture two ladies yakking away with two strollers holding two babies either sleeping, crying, or getting jostled about, four dogs being corralled and yelled at every 5 to 10 minutes (mostly Adah), all while attempting to keep Timberlakes roads safe by telling yelling at every big truck or speeding neighbor to SLOW DOWN! Yep, that’s us the crazy mommas with the crazy dogs patrolling the roads. Once the snow started pilling up our walks were sidelined a bit but now that the sun is making a come back and all that snow is starting to melt we can’t be faded. So look out all you cabin building contractors and speedy neighbors the mommas and crazy dogs are on the lose again. The mud isn’t going to keep us down Kim has a back pack and I have my trusty jogger stroller and with some momma strength and determination we will power through the thickest snow and mud.
I feel very lucky to have found a friend to share this chapter of life with. We have definitely bonded and it is so great to have some friends that are in step with me and Ellie. So thank you Kim for the listening ear, encouragement, and support. The sun is shinning it’s going to be a beautiful day and I’m looking forward to our walk this afternoon.
My brother and his family came over last night to visit and watch the Jazz game of course. We had a good time playing with the cousins. The boys were fascinated with Ellie and she was equally fascinated and entertained by them. It was a wild night for her she watched them with big eyes and tried to join in with the play and noise. Needless to say Ellie was wiped out she slept better than she has in a long time we didn’t wake up to nurse until 4:30 am. She is even seems a little tired this morning too.
Last week while out cruising the neighborhood we managed to pick up a sidekick. We discovered that his name is Leonard although he looks a lot like Gary’s long lost pal Magnus. Obviously Leonard and Adah hit if off right from the start as they are from the same Kuvasz tribe. They are both clowny, silly, and somewhat aloof, but lovable none the less. I can’t believe how much Adah and Leonard look alike so crazy. Gary tried to call Leonard’s family and let them know we enjoyed his company and how great it is to have another Kuvasz in the neighborhood but we have yet to hear back from them. They are probably thinking “what some weirdos” can’t blame them we are a bit cRaZy in love with our dogs 🙂
We attempted to get a photo of the two together but they were so busy smelling and such it was impossible. He is quiet a bit bigger than Adah. Makes me happy we were blessed with a relatively petite lady rather than a big old buffoon.
Is that you Magnus?
Our beautiful Adah
I have a few things to blab I mean blog about today. We had an excellent weekend. Our friends the Spiro’s (KC and Jodi that is) came up from the city for a visit. Our neighbor let KC borrow his old snowmobile and the boys went off into the woods to whoop it up for the day while Jodi, Ellie, and I hit the bustling metropolis of Heber. The girls found a gem of a store that I’m going to have to write a post about in the near future. The gentleman who owns the shop has a knack for turning old things into wonderful new things like old pinball tables into coffee tables (brilliant). You’ll see what I mean soon I hope. The boys on the other hand had quiet an adventure they dug a pit, built a fire, made a manly lunch out in the woods, and crashed a snowmobile into a tree. Don’t worry nobody was hurt. Fortunately KC bailed before the tree ran into the snowmobile 😉 While the boys were on their way home Jodi and I decided we loved the label on the bottle of wine we were going to have with dinner later so we took on the challenge of trying to draw the little Red Bicyclette man. So French and so cute I love it. Here’s how my interpretation turned out not too shabby eh?
The other thing…
With encouragement and inspiration from these lovely ladies (here, here, here, and here) I’m going to run the Salt Lake City 5k race on April 19th. Now I’m not a runner. I used to think I was but I have come to realize that 3 miles is pretty much all I can do. I just have never been able to go beyond 3 miles, I’m sure I could if I pushed myself and bust out 4 miles but do I really need to? It all gets done in 3 miles right? Heart rate climbs, some fat burns off, and things get semi-sorted out in my head. So, a 5K is perfect nothing more nothing less. The big carrot dangling in front of me to do this is to be with the afore mentioned girls again. I can’t wait to all be together again and see your smiles, hear your laughs, and listen to your voices!
Today was my first day out there hitting the pavement. I covered two miles of which I ran 1 and 3/4 of and walked the rest. Not too bad I felt pretty good. Ellie came along for the ride in her stroller she seemed to enjoy it as well. We went to the Legacy Mile a recently built pathway between Heber and Midway. There are these great little bridges on the trail and they are spaced perfectly at 1/2 mile and 1 mile. It’s a good spot to start. Nice and flat and the views are excellent. The only draw back is that it’s next to a busy road and it was COLD. I will preserver though wish me luck.
My grandmother hasn’t been feeling well lately. She has been in and out of the hospital this week. My mom phoned me this morning to give me an update. It reminded me that I haven’t gotten around to writing down my childhood memories of Grandma and Grandpa Jackson. We were asked to do this last fall when Grandma celebrated her 80th birthday. My aunts put together a memory book for her. I’m pretty embarrassed that I haven’t contributed to this book until now. So this morning as I was playing with Ellen I wrote down some memories that stand out in my mind and that I hold dear to my heart. Some of these memories helped shape me into who I am today. It has been a good exercise for me to look back and realize what a wonderful childhood I had and how special my family is…
I remember picking lilacs from Grandma and Grandpa’s lawn for her. She always had a wee jelly jar full of these sweet smelling purple flowers in the house. I was always amazed that you could find these little treasures in the lawn of all places and you didn’t have to plant them they would just show up in the spring. We would also search the grass for four leaf clovers.
I remember playing in the leaves in Grandma and Grandpa’s front yard. The piles were so big we would bury ourselves so deep and jump into them with a big “poof”. I also remember building little rooms with the leaves by sorting them into squares that would connect and designating them as the kitchen, bedroom, family room and so on. This is a game my mom taught me as she used to play with the leaves like this when she was a little one.
I remember rolling down the little hill in the backyard with Leslie and Jon and my cousins we could do this for hours and laugh and giggle the whole time. Now the great grandkids take pleasure in rolling down that little hill. It was so big way back then it’s so fun how the size of things change with time and age.
I remember Grandma hanging the laundry on the clothes line and watching the breeze gently blow through all the linens and shirts and such.
I remember taking breaks in the shade of the back porch and settling down after playing with my cousins. This little porch was always the best spot to go to for cooling off on a hot summer day.
I remember walking down the street to the playground behind the church with the cousins and Aunt Laurie and Gay. Laurie and Gay also walked us to the penny candy store down the road for a special treat once in a while.
There was always a constant supply of ice cream in Grandma and Grandpa’s freezer and they were always willing to share. I was introduced to Tin Roof Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa Jackson’s. It is still one of my favorite flavors.
I love that at Grandma and Grandpa’s washing dishes was never a chore. We all pitched in and helped by either washing, rinsing, drying, or putting them away. It seems everyone would gather in the kitchen and talk and in the mean time the dishes would get done.
One of my favorite memories and one that I know the whole family cherishes is the Christmas Eve tradition of making Aebleskivers at Grandma and Grandpa’s. They were always such a treat and I thought it was so special to eat something sweet for dinner. My favorite goody to dip them in is cinnamon and sugar of coarse. Grandma and Grandpa always had the most beautiful Christmas tree and they would dim the lights in the room so we could fully enjoy the Christmas atmosphere/spirit.
I love hearing Grandma and Grandpa talk about our family heritage like my Great Grandma coming here from Ireland. It is also very special when they share their story about how they met and began dating. Apparently it all began with the flip of a coin. Grandma and Grandpa love each other very much, they have a strong and special marriage that has been a wonderful example for their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and those beyond. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Jackson for that beautiful legacy.
Last Saturday Gary and I met up with my friends Sara, Brigitte, and Max from College and beyond. We went to Beaver Mountain to ski. This mountain is where my ski roots began from adventures in middle school and high school with friends to a ski class with Sara for 1 college credit. It is still what I remember a rootsy little resort that serves the community well. I was reminded what a special place it is and how lucky I am to have grown up with it. It was so great to ski at a small little hamlet with no crowds and great stashes of snow everywhere. Although Alta is very near and dear to my heart rediscovering the Beav was very refreshing.
I’m so glad I got to spend the day with my friends and catch up. After every run I was excited to get back on the ski lift with the girls and talk more. After the ski day we all got together for pizza with all the kids and husbands. Sara and Brigitte have such cute kids and it was so fun to meet them and see how much they look like their parents. Ellie was bright eyed all night watching them play. I loved it. Thank you Sara, Jeff, Brigitte, and Max for making my weekend so great. Lets do it again soon!!!!
Check out Sara’s blog for her take on the day and a great picture.
Here are some more pictures complements of Brigitte. Thanks Bridgy!