A Happy Birthday it was
Yep it was my Birthday yesterday. I was trying to ignore it and pretend that 32 was...
Yep it was my Birthday yesterday. I was trying to ignore it and pretend that 32 was actually 25, but I can’t work that kind of magic. Gary and his family helped me enjoy the day, they spoiled me with love and cheer. Gary took me and Ellie out on the town Friday night. We took a short drive to Ithaca to do some shopping at the Green Star COOP Market. Its a favorite little grocery market in town that sells local items, organic foods, and all kinds of good green products. We always have a hay day when we shop there. Then Gary took us to the Dewit Mall where the famous Moosewood Restaurant is. It is one of my favorite restaurants ever with an eclectic vegetarian menu. Unfortunately Ellie decided to fuss a bit so Gary and I took turns walking her around in the lobby while the other got a few delicious bites in. Of course she passed out just when we got our food all wrapped up and we were ready to head out, but it gave me time to pick out a new cookbook and a few other treats. After dinner we bundled up the wee babe and went for a walk in the Commons were all the shops were featuring ice sculptures. We were very impressed with the detail and the beauty of the ice it was a nice winter welcome.
Well we have united with the Marcoccia clan and are settling in. Tuesday was one of the longest days of my life. I think we put in about 12 hours in the truck. When we crossed the boarder into Pennsylvania Ellie went into hysterics crying and screaming so we pulled into a rest stop so she could get out of the car seat and calm down. Once we were all settled and on the road again my hormones and exhaustion kicked in and I started crying I was really trying to fight it back, but the tears flowed for a few minutes. Gary was good and soothed me back to a calm reasonable person. When we crossed into New York state I felt much better it was like we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was getting butterflies in my stomach when the roads and towns started to look familiar. We had had enough of the loud over bearing semis, wet and snowy roads, stressed out dogs, and interstate freaks.
It’s good to be at Gary’s parents they are taking good care of us. Linda had a pot of her homemade marinara sauce with fresh tomatoes from their garden, meatballs, and sausage ready to go for us. Our room was set up so nice and cozy and Grandma Marcoccia was prepared with a huge box of toys for Ellie’s enjoyment as well as open arms to hold her with all night and give momma a nice needed break. Ahhh the luxuries of home.
Ellie is a little out of sorts what with the time change and a new environment to get used to. She has been fighting sleep and has found her scream. Yesterday we had a ruff time of it, but today so far so good. She did reach some milestones though, while we were on our trip she had her first real giggle and laugh. Aunt DeeAnn got to see and hear it. She has been trying hard to roll over from her back to her belly she kicks her leg and turns her head, but can’t quiet get around her shoulder and arms, but I think she will do it any day now.
We are still trying to get our wireless router set up so we can access the internet via the lap tops so until then the post may be few and far between. Hopefully we will get it sorted out soon. Wish us luck…
In an effort to spend Christmas with the Marcoccia side of the family for the first time in four years Gary and I decided to pack up the truck and haul ourselves to New York. The state that is, we’re not city folk that’s for sure. So here is a little chronicle of our adventure so far… (and a link to Gary’s version of the trip here.)
We left Heber at 8am after a frantic morning of playing what are we forgetting? and oh, I should burn a CD. (that was me)
First break was my favorite Little America truck stop just outside of Evanston, Wy. Then on to Cheyenne where we took a pit stop to freshen up at Sierra Trading Post with a minor incident, the following is an email to my mom explaining…
Well, I guess we better be careful what we ask for because we are on a real adventure. We had a good start yesterday everything went smooth until Cheyenne like Gary said in his blog, what he didn’t tell you is that I had a run in with a total nut job in the restroom at Sierra Trading Post. I mistakenly didn’t lock the bathroom door when I was changing Ellie. This lady came in and said “I gotta pee, I don’t mind if your in here.” I told her we are almost done if you could just wait a few minutes. She proceeded to pull down her pants and do her business in front of Ellie and me! I still had to snap up Ellie and as I was doing so this crazy nut job asked me if I wanted counseling on postpartum depression. I said NO we are doing fine I don’t have any problems that way and then walk out. I was totally freaked out and grabbed Gary and told him we needed to get the heck out of there. She totally freaked me out.
Ahh Cheyenne, not such a good first impression.
We got as far as North Platte, NB the night before which was actually quite a big push. We woke up the next morning to learn that everything outside was covered in a 1/4 inch of ice. That’s right we were in the middle of a crazy ice storm and hearing tales of tractor trailers jack knifed across the interstate and people sliding about all over the road. So we decided to get cozy and wait out the storm until the roads cleared. Nothing like spending 24 hours in a little hotel room with two dogs and a babe. Smelled pretty funky by the time we left. Ellie was good though I must admit.
Ellie woke us up at 5 am so we packed up and headed for Omaha, NB where my Aunt DeeAnn and Uncle Dan live. We made good time although the first hour or so of the journey the road were still a bit icy until the sun peaked through. We made it to their house around noon and had a great visit, chatting about corn, farms, work, and babies. Thanks again you guys!
Ellie woke us up at 4am (ugh) so we decided to go for it and get an early start to miss the rush hour traffic in the Chicago area. So we slipped out of there and drove to Des Moines only to find out that the poor dogs had been suffering in the back of the truck. Gary opened up the back window and found Chip shivering like crazy and ice covering the inside of the bed of the truck (oops). So we turned up the heat in the cab of the truck and I got in the back with Ellie while the dogs warmed their weary selfs in the front seat. Once the sun started shining brightly we got them back in their place and pushed on now here we are as I type just over the boarder in Indiana.
Our goal is to get an early start again. This time avoiding frozen dogs and make it to New York in time for our nephew Kevin’s Christmas Concert. Wish us luck…
I went to the dentist yesterday, found out I have to get a root canal (ugh my first one). So I was feeling sorry for myself and in an effort to cheer up I stopped into my favorite second hand store in Heber. It’s a great little shop on Main Street called “Second Glance”. I totally scored! and I’m so excited about my little treasures I wanted to share them with you all. My favorite is the little ceramic owl. It holds a tea light so its belly can glow in the wee evening hours, ahh. Also got a fab book for Ellie ” The Saggy Baggy Elephant” the elephants name in the book is Sookie, I love it. Once I got it home I found out it’s missing a page or two, but we can work with that, just make up what we think happens and maybe when Ellie is older she can add her own pages. Oh, and check out that little clay pot with the birdie, so precious. Twenty bucks well spent.
Finally, we got a decent amount of snow last night. I think we are totaling 4 inches this morning. Yahoo! Bring it on. I’m ready for the glittery white stuff to frolic and play in. Alta is opening this Friday, unfortunately the Marcoccia family wont be making an appearance, as we have some important people to see in New York. That’s right we are packing up as I speak and driving across the Mississippi. It’s going to be an adventure, baby, dogs, and all. Stay tuned…
Here’s some pics of our little winter wonderland.
Gary came across this excellent Paul McCartney song the other day “Heart of the Country“. He was excited to discover such an excellent melody as was I. Maybe this will become the Marcoccia theme song. We do want a little farm someday. I love the beach video with Sir Paul and his original true love Linda very sweet.
I’m totally getting into these youtube clips fun stuff…
oh, and here is a little bonus poem/rant of Gary’s…
Can’t trust the machine. Rotten food consumed by helpless babies
with families that can’t afford to pay for anymore than the big
grocery store brands. Time to farm it up. Be sustainable. Don’t
rely on semi-trailers hauling rotten spinach and meat 2000 miles
to make you sick, or die.We’re coming to farm it up my friend. Here is a preliminary 3-
year plan I am spewing out as I type…this outlines our
migration to the heartland of my youth. A place with forests
and lakes.
- Year 1:
- Potatoes & tomatoes galore to get the soil conditioned
- Install coup and bring 12 Hens on board, with one Rooster
- Prune legacy fruit trees and berry bushes
- Get annual herb garden in the ground
- Dig root cellar for Potato stock
- Fence in 1-3 acres for livestock
- Establish relationship with local food co-op
- Register booths at ALL market’s within two hour drive
- Year 2:
- Purchase rootsy flat bed truck for market trips
- Embrace more heirloom varieties in garden
- Bring sheeps and goats on board in fenced acreage
- Expand free range chicken farm for co-op
- Build outdoor clay oven
- Sing to fruit trees and berry bushes with Ellie
- Harvest first season of sheepwool and goat milk
- Year 3:
- All of the above, plus add annual summer trip to Alaska, where I’ll return with 65 lbs of smoked and frozen wild Salmon
Gary shared this video the other day of Sage Cattabriga-Alosa (former Peruvian Lodge dish dog) following Matt Collins while mountain biking in Southern Utah. Sage is a fellow Alta skier who has mad skills. It’s as though his skis are a part of him. Skis or bike, he’s as smooth, stylish and talented as they come. My jaw dropped when I watched this with Gary. There are moments of this clip where you can actually feel scared for them without too much effort 🙂 Very impressive.
Notice the exposure on both sides of the single track most of the way down. These are definitely “no fall zones.”
Enjoy Dirt Spineology…
We had a wonderful holiday yesterday thanks to our friends Tom and Julie and their family, who shared their Thanksgiving feast with us. Oh my, what a spread it was! and a pleasure to meet Tom’s parents, sister, brother-in-law, and niece. It was nice to be in a family environment.
What I’m Thankful For…