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Breaking up the February Blues

Last week Gary’s sister Sarah came out for a little visit and a ski vacation with her fiance Mike and our nephew Kevin. They stayed Monday to Friday and we had an awesome week with them. On Tuesday we all skied at Alta. Ellie took her first ride on the chair lift. She loved it and was in awe of the views, trees, and mountains. I skied two runs myself. Two was all I had in me though. It’s not easy when your carrying an extra 20lbs. But I will say it was definitely worth it. Ellie got right into it she was super excited and kept saying “go fast” and whooping it up. It was a thrill to ski next to her and Gary and watch her thoroughly enjoy herself with a big smile and wide eyes. Kevin is a fabulous skier and I think a natural athlete.  He did very well and we were pleasantly surprised by his good attitude. I wish I could have spent more time with him out there.

Gary was so proud of Ellie he had to buy this picture taken by Peak Photo on the mountain. It is a great shot and I’m glad we have it.

On Wednesday we took Kevin and Ellie to Soldier’s Hollow to go tubing. Kevin was very patient with us as he had to wait a few hours while Gary finished up some work before hand. Once we got there I think he had a good time and was running laps around Gary and Ellie.

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I think Gary had just as much fun as the kids.

Unfortunately I didn’t take all the pictures I should have or wanted to. Sarah and Mike got away without even one photo for me. Dang. On Thursday everyone went skiing while Ellie and I had a chill out day at home. Then we all reunited for some dinner. It was good to visit with Sarah, Mike, and Kevin. Kevin was so sweet to Ellie he brought her some toys and helped her make a big tent out of blankets in her room. He is an expert at tent making. He was a good sport to hang out with us and play with Ellie. The visit was too short and I wish we could have had just a few more days to play. It did cure some of the winter blues that always seem to come around in February. Thanks to Sarah and Mike for coming out and bringing Kevin with you. We miss you a ton.

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The Last Huurahhh

Yesterday was closing day for Alta. It was a perfect day to end the 2009 season, beautiful blue sky, fresh mountain air, and good friends. We set up camp in the parking lot with our friends Julie and Tom and we were quickly surrounded by fellow Altafarians ready to celebrate the end of another great ski season.  Gary captured two funny videos of kids and adults alike having a good time as the band “Lake Effect” practiced some grassroots marketing and provided the “lot rats” excellent tunes. The day ended in classic Alta style with a road closure due to a wet slide that crossed the road in the White Pine area. Therefore we were trapped for a few hours with no choice but to listen to the music, chill out, and watch the debauchery play out.  We were even lucky enough to find Aunt Laurel at the end of the day. It was good to catch up with her and see her enjoying the day as well.



Needless to say the Wee One was spent by the end of the day. It was a long one for her and we would have left ealier on her behalf but some times Alta just wont let you go… Thanks for hangin in there little one.

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Family Ski Day

We took Ellie out on the slopes today in the backpack. We had so much fun together. She did really well and seemed to enjoy herself. The lifty’s let us load on the chair as three so she could sit securely in the pack  right by Gary and I. She was quiet on the first chair ride up but by the last she was laughing and pointing at the trees and skiers. Gary took her down the first run. We did a groomer called “Main Street” off of the Collins lift nice and easy. She called out for me a few times until she could see where I was, not sure if it was anxiety driven or if she just wanted to keep tabs on me. I took Ellie down a couple of times on the last run it was just the two of us as Gary paid his dues to High Rustler. At the end of our run I took her down Lower Rustler, which is a little steep relative to the cat track we were on and she let out a big Whooooaaaa!. It was so funny she had me laughing all the way to the truck. At any rate I think she enjoyed the wind in her face, the swoosh of the snow, the bluebird sunny day, and all the great people in Alta who gave us nods and encouragement all day.

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Alta at Last

We packed up the supplies and spent the weekend in Alta. Ellie got the first taste of how our weekends are going to be spent for the next few months. I think she enjoyed it. She adjusted to the lodge life pretty well even was able to take a nap amongst all the click and clangs of ski boots clambering across the floor and energetic voices of happy skiers. It was good, there was still plenty of soft snow to carve up. Saturday was a little troubling when we pulled into the Goldminer’s Daughter parking lot only to find there was no parking spot what so ever, but we persevered and Gary found a place to stash the Toyota. The crowd cleared out after lunch anyway. Gary and I skied in shifts scheduled around when Ellie would be hungry. It worked out well. We skied with our good friends Johnny B and Jesse. On Sunday we got the pleasure of skiing with Watson and the company of his lovely girl Lisa in the lodge. I definitely did not have my legs. I could only do about two runs and then my body would be crying out. So it was good we had shifts so I could have time to recover. I’m looking forward to the day Gary and I can ski together again I did miss having my partner there skiing with me, but Johnny, Jesse, and Watson took good care of me. Yep, me and the boys or me solo typical of my Alta always never enough chicks around what’s up with that (Ahem, Jodi, JJ, Julie, any of you ladies out there listening). Only in Alta could I sit for a seven minute ride and appreciate the beauty of untracked snow covering the “Backside” with two dudes or have a heart to heart about life with a dear friend on the Collins lift. It is definitely a commitment to drive about an hour over the Wasatch for Alta. Some of you may ask why not stay on the backside of the Wasatch and ski Park City or the Canyons? I can’t really explain our ridiculous devotion to Alta. It’s more than just the awesome ski terrain and snow accumulation. It’s where we met, where it all began, where we found ourselves, sowed some wild oats, where our friends are, and where we were married. There is so much emotion for me in that Little Cottonwood Canyon it’s a small piece of “heaven on earth”. I don’t go there just to ski I go there for therapy as well. It comes in the form of visiting with friends, listening to the silence in a snow storm, challenging my self through exercise and movement, or hearing the mountains ring. Hopefully we can pass this on to Ellie and she will understand and get it like we do.

Breaking up the February Blues

Last week Gary’s sister Sarah came out for a little visit and a ski vacation with...
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The Last Huurahhh

Yesterday was closing day for Alta. It was a perfect day to end the 2009 season,...
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Family Ski Day

We took Ellie out on the slopes today in the backpack. We had so much fun together. She...
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Alta at Last

We packed up the supplies and spent the weekend in Alta. Ellie got the first taste of how...
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