After the Storm
Ellen and I took a walk this morning behind the house, and up the hill a little ways....
Ellen and I took a walk this morning behind the house, and up the hill a little ways. Adah, Tayen, and Marley the brave dogs joined us, we had about a foot of snow and ice come down on Saturday evening through Sunday. All the makings for a white Christmas.
On Saturday Sarah and Linda took Ellie and I to Corning to check out the local shops in the Gaffer District. It’s a little section of town with great boutique type stores featuring local artist, glass works, and such. We hit our favorite Antique Mall and also found a new gem of a shop that had all kinds of vintage fabrics, trims, and notions. I could have spent hours there checking out all the cute little retro prints. I did end up buying some tiny buttons with pink owls on them and some ribbon with little duckies following momma ducky. So precious. Gary promised we could go back before we leave.
The two Gary’s met up with us later for some excellent Indian food, and then we met Jill and her family for a real Corning experience. We went to Hands On Glass a studio in Corning where you can blow your own glass Christmas ornaments. It was great fun they let you blow into the gaffer (metal rod) to shape and expand the ornament. We each got to blow our own ornament and watch as they shaped it and made the hook at the top.
There are many things to write about we have been busy bee’s around here getting ready for the Holidays. It’s been so fun. First off we got the TREE decorated. I say TREE because it is the biggest tree in the Marcoccia family yet, measuring in at 16 feet tall. Both Gary’s hauled it in through the sliding doors. It took one night to put the lights on and another night to decorate. Linda even dug out the old Christmas vinyl and Silvertone portable record player. We listened to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer medley and we had to sneak in a childhood favorite Chipmunk Punk.
Yesterday Linda, Danielle, Ellie, and I shopped till we dropped. We took a drive up to Geneva, NY where there is a great Outlet shopping center. We hit all the good stores and I finally completed my Christmas shopping whew. Ellie was a trooper she was bundled up well and quietly took it all in. Grandma Marcoccia even let her pick out her own toys at the Carter’s store. I hate to let Grandpa McKenney know but I think Ellie a natural born shopper.
Today we woke up to the beginning of a Nor’easter snow storm. We had an early morning greeting cousin Kevin as his school was canceled due to a snow day. So we put together a Gingerbread House and then when everyone got home we went out and played in the snow. We bundled Ellen up in her snow suit and let her experience snowflakes on her face, snow angels, and a sleigh ride. All the good things a winter snow storm brings.
Yep it was my Birthday yesterday. I was trying to ignore it and pretend that 32 was actually 25, but I can’t work that kind of magic. Gary and his family helped me enjoy the day, they spoiled me with love and cheer. Gary took me and Ellie out on the town Friday night. We took a short drive to Ithaca to do some shopping at the Green Star COOP Market. Its a favorite little grocery market in town that sells local items, organic foods, and all kinds of good green products. We always have a hay day when we shop there. Then Gary took us to the Dewit Mall where the famous Moosewood Restaurant is. It is one of my favorite restaurants ever with an eclectic vegetarian menu. Unfortunately Ellie decided to fuss a bit so Gary and I took turns walking her around in the lobby while the other got a few delicious bites in. Of course she passed out just when we got our food all wrapped up and we were ready to head out, but it gave me time to pick out a new cookbook and a few other treats. After dinner we bundled up the wee babe and went for a walk in the Commons were all the shops were featuring ice sculptures. We were very impressed with the detail and the beauty of the ice it was a nice winter welcome.
Well we have united with the Marcoccia clan and are settling in. Tuesday was one of the longest days of my life. I think we put in about 12 hours in the truck. When we crossed the boarder into Pennsylvania Ellie went into hysterics crying and screaming so we pulled into a rest stop so she could get out of the car seat and calm down. Once we were all settled and on the road again my hormones and exhaustion kicked in and I started crying I was really trying to fight it back, but the tears flowed for a few minutes. Gary was good and soothed me back to a calm reasonable person. When we crossed into New York state I felt much better it was like we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was getting butterflies in my stomach when the roads and towns started to look familiar. We had had enough of the loud over bearing semis, wet and snowy roads, stressed out dogs, and interstate freaks.
It’s good to be at Gary’s parents they are taking good care of us. Linda had a pot of her homemade marinara sauce with fresh tomatoes from their garden, meatballs, and sausage ready to go for us. Our room was set up so nice and cozy and Grandma Marcoccia was prepared with a huge box of toys for Ellie’s enjoyment as well as open arms to hold her with all night and give momma a nice needed break. Ahhh the luxuries of home.
Ellie is a little out of sorts what with the time change and a new environment to get used to. She has been fighting sleep and has found her scream. Yesterday we had a ruff time of it, but today so far so good. She did reach some milestones though, while we were on our trip she had her first real giggle and laugh. Aunt DeeAnn got to see and hear it. She has been trying hard to roll over from her back to her belly she kicks her leg and turns her head, but can’t quiet get around her shoulder and arms, but I think she will do it any day now.
We are still trying to get our wireless router set up so we can access the internet via the lap tops so until then the post may be few and far between. Hopefully we will get it sorted out soon. Wish us luck…